Pete Davidson‘s mother recently defended him on the sly. During his early days on Saturday Night Live, the comedian remembered how his mom would respond to social media critics. “It was like my second or third year, and it was a lot of not useful, typical Twitter comments,” Davidson explained on the June 28 episode of the Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers podcast. “My mom made a f— fake Twitter account under the name @JoeSmith1355 and would respond to everyone. But it was so specific, like, ‘Actually, I heard he’s working on himself and does that quite often.’” Fans eventually revealed the true identity behind the now-deactivated account of Pete fan @JoeSmith1355 without much of a struggle. “This was the kicker,” Davidson said, “Everyone found out it was my mom, not through detective work. They found out because her username was @JoeSmith, but her profile name was Amy Davidson and the profile picture was Amy Davidson. So it was a picture of my mom, with a name that said @JoeSmith1355, commenting on all these haters.”
In any case, the Bupkis star was happy to know that his mother was backing him up against the trolls, adding, “She got my back, dude.” Now that Amy doesn’t have a burner account, she regularly posts about Pete and his sister, Casey Davidson, 25, on her public Instagram account. “Happiest birthday to you Peter!” she wrote to him for his 29th birthday in November. “We love you and you have made us laugh since the day you were born! Have the best day!!” Much of Davidson’s comedy is inspired by his parents. As a New York City native, Davidson grew up with his parents, father, Scott Matthew Davidson, and mother, Amy, as well as his younger sister, Casey, in Staten Island. Scott, a firefighter, died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks when he was seven. Since his father died in 2001, the comedian has carried out a variety of tributes to his late father, including tattoo tributes and film projects. He has also remained close to Amy and even lived with her until he purchased his own home in 2021.
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In 2019, Davidson purchased a home on Staten Island with his mother following his split from Ariana Grande. “We bought a house together, but nobody believes that,” he explained during an appearance on The Tonight Show. “I live with my mom, kinda, so I have like a basement that’s like mine that’s like an apartment, so I live underneath her, so I’m getting like a little arcade set up down there trying to make it mine.” Davidson revealed his plans to leave his mother’s house during an SNL Weekend Update segment in February 2021. “In some ways, I like the pandemic Valentine’s because it’s the first time being alone wasn’t my fault,” he said. “I spent the night eating chocolates and watching a movie with my mom, which is why I’m officially moving out of the house. One of us has to go.” The comedian recently spent time with his mother when he attended the premiere of his upcoming series Bupkis, which is based on his life and stars Edie Falcoe as Amy and Joe Pesci as Davidson’s grandfather.