Celebrity Couples

Gwen Stefani Will Mentor Boyfriend Blake Shelton’s Singers on Upcoming Season of ‘The Voice’

Gwen Stefani couldn’t seem to stay away from “The Voice” that long. It appears that the […]
(Photo: YouTube / Hollyscoop)

Gwen Stefani couldn’t seem to stay away from “The Voice” that long. It appears that the singer will join “The Voice” in the upcoming season as a mentor to Blake Shelton’s — yes, her boyfriend’s — team.

Shelton had previously told Extra, that he didn’t want Stefani to leave the show: “I don’t want Gwen to not be on the show. Why can’t we have a fifth coach?” (Christina Aguilera is returning to her seat on the televised singing competition)

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Shelton and Stefani appear to be happy as of late, attending weddings and such, so it’s no surprise that Shelton wants to keep her close by his side in the upcoming season of “The Voice,” even if it’s in the role of a mentor.

Stefani recently announced her third studio album This Is What the Truth Feels Like will be out March 18, and her music video for her new single “Make Me Like You” will be created live during a four-minute commercial break during the 58th Annual Grammy Awards on February 15.

Season 10 of The Voice premieres February 29 at 8 p.m. on NBC.