'Alaskan Bush People' Family Reportedly Concerned After Photos Surface of Matt Brown in California After Alcohol Relapse

Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown is reportedly spending the holiday season alone in California, [...]

Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown is reportedly spending the holiday season alone in California, leaving his family concerned that he might have relapsed after his recent rehab stint.

On Dec. 16, a photo of Brown with a fan in Palm Desert, California showed him looking "dazed," while another photo showed him "bleary-eyed" in Mountain Center. A source told Radar Online he has not returned to Washington, where the rest of the Brown family lives, since he left for California a month ago.

"Matt has not returned home to his family since he left for the desert almost one month ago! Matt was not with his family for Christmas and all that they really know is that he is somewhere in the desert," a source told the site.

Radar claims his family is "beyond worried," especially after seeing the photos of him on social media that have popped up recently.

Brown, 36, first entered rehab in 2016 after he was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence. He started drinking again after his mother, Ami Brown, was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2017. In October, he checked himself into rehab again, and his family hoped he would stay for three months. Instead, he only stayed for 30 days.

On Dec. 13, Radar Online reported that Brown left his sober coach behind and went to a California desert. A source told the outlet that his family is "terrified" he might relapse.

"The family is all incredibly worried right now because Matt didn't even tell anyone he was leaving," the source said. "He just up and left even though he was advised to stay."

After agreeing to check himself into rehab voluntarily, Brown told PEOPLE he was grateful for the support of his family.

"I struggle with substance abuse, and after a year of ups and downs, I decided to return to treatment," Brown, the eldest son in the family, told the magazine. "I'm really grateful for everyone's support and hope to have my life back on track soon."

Brown said he could see himself "spiraling" and was becoming "more withdrawn."

"It's hard not having one of my babies here with us," Ami added. "He was so strong for me, and I want to be strong for him."

Brown's father Billy told PEOPLE they miss him, but would rather "lose him from home for a little while than lose him forever... We just want him to do what he needs to do to get better."

Alaskan Bush People Season 9, which will debut sometime next year, will reportedly cover Brown's journey through rehab. Brown's younger siblings, Bam Bam Brown and Rain Brown, also appeared in a public service announcement to show their support.

"We'd really like to thank everybody that has sent in well wishes and prayers for Matt. We're all rooting for him and he's currently getting the help that he needs," Bam Bam said in the clip.

"And if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or substance abuse, please call the number 1-800-662-HELP to speak with someone confidentially," Rain added. "Love you and God bless."