AJ Styles May Be John Cena's Best Student

AJ Styles is regarded as the best wrestler in the world by much of the wrestling community. The [...]

AJ Styles is regarded as the best wrestler in the world by much of the wrestling community. The Phenomenal One spent decades traveling the globe, working for multiple promotions in the name of perfecting his craft. And he nearly has - when it comes to performing in a ring there's just not much Styles doesn't know how to do.

However, when he first came to WWE in 2016, he couldn't learn enough from John Cena.

In an interview with Bleacher Report, John Cena was asked which younger Superstars approach him for advice:

"Well, younger—I mean, he's just a few weeks from me—but I can remember when AJ Styles came in, and he was just familiar with presenting himself a different way. And we sat down and had many a lengthy conversation about the differences and similarities between other spots and here. And from that, I think he took a lot of material away to present himself better."

Bleacher Report asked if there was something frustrating Styles:

"Not necessarily frustrated. But you tie your shoe one way for 15 to 18 years, and then you come into a place that says to tie your shoe differently. Sometimes you don't understand all of that. So it was great to be able to sit down and have an open, intelligent conversation with someone without anyone taking things personally—just talking about the environment and making oneself relevant in that environment."

Whatever those conversations were, they have certainly worked. Styles ripped through 2016 earning himself one of the most rewarding rookie years in WWE history. Good on Styles for swallowing his ego to approach John Cena.

By Styles seeking out Cena, it shows that this turn in WWE means a lot to him, otherwise he wouldn't be so progressive. Styles is nearly 40 years old, so his physical prime well behind him. That said he can still perform at a world class level, but it's clear that he wants to make his time in WWE count.

Since coming to WWE Styles had been a staple in the main event already scoring feud with Roman Reigns, John Cena, and Shane McMahon. As the current US Champion, Styles has reinstalled the US Championship Open on SmackDown. It looks like he's freed himself of Kevin Ownes and now some new competitors can make their way into the Phenomenal one's arena.