'This Is Us' Reveals Randall and Tess' Futures

While This Is Us viewers were busying processing the death of Jack Pearson, the show revealed a [...]

While This Is Us viewers were busying processing the death of Jack Pearson, the show revealed a glimpse of Randall and Tess Pearson's futures.

In what was a first for the series, the show flashed forward in time and offered a glimpse at the lives of Randall and his oldest daughter. In this future, Tess is a social worker that helps find homes for foster children. Randall is a proud of this and meets up with her weekly to get dinner.

(Photo: NBC)

This glimpse forward was set up by a conversation between the father and daughter towards the end of the episode, which was titled "Super Bowl Sunday."

Tess seems upset and storms out of the Pearson family Super Bowl party and heads up to her room. Randall follows after her to find out what is wrong.

They chat in Tess' room and she reveals that she has been taking the house phone off of the hook to prevent calls from social workers. She says she is fine with fostering kids, but she does it because she thinks Randall does not like his life with Beth and Annie.

"You found grandpa. Then you found Deja. Then you found a new job," Tess says. "It's like you want a new life."

Randall assures her that she is his "entire world," and he gives his ideas for what their relationship will evolve into.

"You will always be my number one," Randall says. "And you will live with me until you're 25. And even after you move out you will have dinner with me once a week in your fancy office, and you will tell me everything."

Tess seems pleased and explains that she admires the fostering process.

"I like fostering," Tess says. "Yeah, I think it's a cool thing to do."

As this conversation unfolds, Beth gets a call from a social worker. The social worker and young boy from the end of the episode "Number Three" then reappears in an office.

The viewers are led to believe that this is the new foster child that will be joining the Pearsons. However, an unknown family walks into the social worker's office and greets the boy. The social worker looks on as she is notified her father is there for dinner.

An aged Randall walks in and reveals that the social worker is Tess. It appears his hopes for their relationship have come true.

Back in the present, the Pearsons' former foster child Deja returns.

This Is Us airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on NBC.

Photo Credit: NBC / Ron Batzdorff