During the 50th anniversary special celebrating The Carol Burnett Show, CBS aired the “Stella Toddler Theater” sketch. Fans immediately noticed the resemblance to a video released over 40 years later, Miley Cyrus‘ “Wrecking Ball.”
In the sketch, Burnett plays Stella Toddler, a 94-year-old actress who gets a building named after her. Throughout the ceremony, Harvey Korman’s character unwittingly knocks her down. Every time she gets hurt or falls over, Korman thinks she’s doing it on purpose.
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Later on, Stella finds herself clinging to a wrecking ball and swinging from one end of the set to the other.
That last scene reminded many of Cyrus’ 2013 “Wrecking Ball” video, when the singer “came in” like a wrecking ball.
“When [Carol Burnett] starts swinging on a wrecking ball and your [9-year-old] starts singing the [Miley Cyrus] classic,” a Twitter user wrote, including a GIF of Hilary Duff laughing.
When #CarolBurnett starts swinging on a wrecking ball and your 9yo starts singing the @MileyCyrus classic. ๐๐คฃ pic.twitter.com/b5AhHWGQF6
โ Carla Pereira (@Carla_Pereira2) December 4, 2017
“Watching [Carol Burnett] show. Just saw the “doing own stunts” segment. Seems like [Miley Cyrus] borrowed [Carol Burnett’s] [wrecking ball] moment?” user Greg Horbinski wrote.
Watching #CarolBurnett50 show. Just saw the “doing own stunts” segment. Seems like @MileyCyrus borrowed #CarolBurnett ‘s #wreckingball moment?
โ Greg Horbinski (@GTHorbs) December 4, 2017
Burnett fans were ready to remind everyone that she did “Wrecking Ball” first!
She came in like a wrecking ball!!!!! ๐ผ #carolburnett
โ (((Kelly Lincoln))) (@ExitPass) December 4, 2017
Hahahaha! She came in like a wrecking ball before Miley was ever thought of! #CarolBurnett50
โ Ginger Snaps (@GingerSnaps) December 4, 2017
โ Marlynn Luhrsen (@MarlynnL) December 4, 2017
Coincidentally, Vicki Lawrence, who co-starred on Carol Burnett, also appeared on Hannah Montana with Cyrus. She played Miley’s grandmother on the show.
Photo credit: CBS