Sean Spicer Mocked for Tweet About White House's Positive COVID-19 Tests
If Sean Spicer wasn't totally in touch with HIPAA laws going into Monday, he sure knows all about [...]
That's not how HIPAA works.
I should know...I wrote it.
— Rep. Donna E. Shalala (@RepShalala) October 5, 2020
It's HIPAA with two A's, but one of them stands for "Accountability" so I can see why you dropped it
— Mike Dorsey 😷 (@DorseyFilm) October 5, 2020
HIPPA governs communications between healthcare providers and patients. Unless Santucci is moonlighting, HIPPA doesn’t apply. You know this. Stop being disingenuous.
— Yep (@Andrews3Ra) October 5, 2020
If you can't spell the acronym and don't understand who is party to that particular law, perhaps you shouldn't be tweeting about it.
— SRM_MD (@srmduke87) October 5, 2020
Unless they learned it directly from a hospital (unlikely) you're totally wrong on this.
Also it's spelled "HIPAA."
— Arlen Parsa (@arlenparsa) October 5, 2020
If you can't even spell HIPAA then it's a pretty good bet you don't know what it says
— Yes, You're Racist (@YesYoureRacist) October 5, 2020
Narrator: Sean Spicer was misinformed. It was not a HIPAA violation.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) October 5, 2020