Even A-list celebs like Eva Longoria go through fitness ruts from time to time. The 41-year-old actress posted to Snapchat on Monday after finishing a SoulCycle workout — her first workout in two months.
“Oh my gosh you guys, I finished SoulCycle,” she said to the camera. “It almost killed me. Look at my face. […] It’s like splotchy red.”
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She continued, “It’s because I haven’t exercised in two months and the blood is finally getting to my face. Maybe SoulCycle is going to make me younger. What do you guys think?”
Longoria’s makeup-free, post-workout Snaps prove that anyone can get stuck in a fitness rut — and the first workout back is the hardest!
Looking to get back in the swing of things? Check out this 20-minute beginner workout: