Brooke Baldwin, CNN Anchor, Reveals Photos From Bed During Her Coronavirus Battle

Three weeks after CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin told viewers and fans that she had tested positive for [...]

Three weeks after CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin told viewers and fans that she had tested positive for the coronavirus, she's now revealing pictures of herself in bed during her battle. In an essay released by the national network, Baldwin was able to express the hard time she's been through the last couple of weeks, as well as share a few personal photos. The 40-year-old, who anchors the 2-4 p.m. hours, admitted she "went to some very dark places, especially at night."

"It took a full two-week beating on my body. I went to some very dark places, especially at night," she started her essay. "Evenings would bring on an eerie melancholy, which was particularly odd for me — a glass-half-full/chemically blessed kind of gal. But under the influence of coronavirus, as each day came to a close, I would often cry, unable to stave off the sense of dread and isolation I felt about what was to come."

While sharing a number of photos of herself inside her home, lounging in her comfy clothes, makeup-free, Baldwin got raw with her fears, saying she thought the virus would never break in her body to finally bring her misery to an end so she could begin the healing process. But one of the hardest things from her being in isolation she says wasn't being able to be near her husband in the beginning, but when things got too complicated, her husband would hold her and that to her was a priceless feeling. "My husband and I began sleeping in separate bedrooms and using separate bathrooms. He did his best to bring me soup, toast and tea, without making too much contact. The food didn't matter much to me because I couldn't taste or smell anything anyway."

"On the darker days, I didn't want to talk to anyone," she added. "After days of trying to stay physically apart from my husband, it just became impossible. He hated to see me suffer and he couldn't not take care of me. He began to hold me in those dark moments and let me cry, whispering: 'Everything's going to be all right.' These simple acts of connecting with me and hugging me were restorative beyond measure. The isolation might be worse than the body aches. I am endlessly grateful that I have a selfless husband who is also lucky enough to have remained well while I was ailing..."

While Baldwin considers herself to be lucky since it didn't effect her breathing, she didn't fail to mention her night sweats, cold and body aches. She even developed a "golf-ball sized gland swelling under my jaw" which became her sign that her body was fighting. She detailed that her symptoms would go away just long enough to trick her into thinking it was gone for good, but then they would creep back up. She ended her essay with gratitude by thanking those who have sent her well-wishes during her "dark" time.