Charlie Hunnam Faces Chilling Threat in Exclusive 'Shantaram' Clip

Charlie Hunnam's Apple TV+ series Shantaram is quickly approaching its finale, and we now have an exclusive clip from Friday's penultimate episode. In the teaser, Hunnam's Lin Ford — an escaped prisoner who is held up in the Bombay slums in India — is faced with a complex threat from crime lord Abdel Khader Khan (Alexander Siddig). Either convince Kavita (Sujaya Dasgupta) from running an explosive story or risk her life being in danger.

The situation is made all the more complicated due to Lin planning to flee, following emerging revelations about his shady past. In a synopsis of the episode — titled "Banquet of Consequences" — Apple TV+ explains: "Zhou (Gabrielle Scharnitzky) initiates war. Khader tries to stop Kavita's article from printing. Maurizio (Luke Pasqualino) seeks revenge. Lin says his goodbyes." There is only one more episode after this, so fans will certainly not want to miss the drama when the newest Shantaram episode begins streaming on Friday, Dec. 9.

In addition to Hunnam, Shantaram stars an incredible cast of actors, including Dasgupta, whose character Kavita is a passionate and motivated journalist searching for stories in places that could cause some trouble for Ford. Recently, had a chance to speak with Dasgupta and, during the conversation, we asked Dasgupta about acting alongside Hunnam, whom she describes as an "incredible" person. "I was really taken aback by his sense of groundedness," she said. 

Dasgupta added, "He's so down to earth, really about the work, incredibly professional on set, off set, and a really brilliant, I think leader of this company. You needed someone to look to lead this show. It's him, and he's incredible and he's so humble. I didn't have any expectations, but that was really lovely to learn about him. It's such a horrible word, nice, but he's just a nice guy. I think niceness is underrated, but I think just him. And he's been working for such a long time, but his sense of humility is outstanding and I love that."

The actress went on to say, "And also on a professional level, working with him in scenes, amazing, because you got to play off him. He would offer something new every time. He would care about the scene as much as you and offer different things every take. And you would respond to that. And I love that. As an actor, that's delicious. That's what you want when you're doing screen work."