Chris Jericho Donates $2K to Wrestler Who Broke Both Legs During Entrance

An amateur wrestler broke both of his legs recently when a ring entrance went very wrong. His [...]

An amateur wrestler broke both of his legs recently when a ring entrance went very wrong. His family and friends set up a GoFundMe to provide crucial funds, and one of professional wrestling's biggest stars chipped in. AEW's Chris Jericho donated $2,000 to the fund in order to help cover the rising medical costs while Joey Janela and Nick Jackson made donations of $250 and $500, respectively.

According to TMZ, Jericho said "That was so terrible!!!!!" as the explanation for why he chipped in. The amateur wrestler, Justin, attempted to jump off the top rope of a backyard wrestling ring and land on the mat. Both of his knees gave way and bent backward once he hit the surface. He has since undergone three surgeries and likely has another on the schedule. His family and friends also said that there is a possibility that Justin will have to have his limbs amputated.

"You or someone you know an absolute free spirit?! The life of the party and ready for whatever?! Well, that is our Justin! He was genuinely just having fun when both of his legs were severely broken," the campaign organizers wrote.

"Justin was invited to participate in a live amateur wrestling event this past weekend hosted by his good friends when the performance was abruptly stopped. During his entrance, Justin jumped and spun from the second rope of the ring and when his feet hit the base of the structure, his knees bent backward and both of his legs snapped!"

The GoFundMe page says that Justin had three rods and pins put in his left leg. Amputation is not a guarantee, but it is a possibility. No matter what happens, the amateur wrestler has a "minimum hospital stay" of two weeks. Between the surgeries, the medical equipment, making his home ADA accessible and the lack of insurance, the campaign organizers anticipate the medical costs exceeding $200,000.

"Though the internet has been a mixed bag of concern and distasteful cruelty, Justin has remained lighthearted in his situation," the organizer continued. "However, no amount of money will cover the emotional damage he will continue to endure through the aftermath of this horrible accident, so any offerings would help."

The campaign has raised $11,772 of the $200,000 goal since Justin's injury. There is considerable financial ground to cover before the amateur wrestler's bills are paid. However, having Jericho chip in such a large amount will certainly help the campaign.