'Little People, Big World' Couple Deals With Every Homeowner's Nightmare

The 'Little People, Big World' favorites are experiencing a local headache.

Little People, Big World's departing stars, Tori and Zach Roloff, are already facing some of the issues normal, non-reality TV people deal with. In one of her recent updates on social media, Tori Roloff shared that she was a bit overwhelmed in her new home after dealing with a burst pipe.

"When you had a pipe burst and your kitchen gets completely torn up and fans are running in your house 24 hours and you can't hear yourself think and if you have to decide what we're getting for take out one more time you might lose your mind and you're expecting your iced coffee to [perform] miracles. It me," Roloff wrote in the caption of a post from a week ago.

While they're happy to own their home, they're not without some adjustments from apartment living and reality TV pockets. As she revealed, a lot of her kitchen cabinets, flooring, and the kitchen island needed to be torn out after having the pipe burst.

Worse yet, Zach Roloff isn't home while on business in Michigan with other family. To add insult to injury, Tori Roloff revealed that their home was without heat for eight days. That sounds like a catastrophe, but there must be some time for social posts.

Luckily there is a wood-burning fireplace connected, giving them some heat source. But it isn't exactly as easy as turning up the thermostat. That's a ton of adjustments and expenses in the early days of home ownership. Luckily they've got a nice nest egg to lean on.