'Teen Mom 2' Star Leah Messer Splits With Boyfriend Jason Jordan Again

Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer has split with her boyfriend Jason Jordan again.According to Us [...]

Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer has split with her boyfriend Jason Jordan again.

According to Us Weekly, Messer and Jordan broke up a couple of weeks ago, but neither appear to have publicly acknowledged the split.

Some have cited Messer sharing an Instagram Story post the read, "When someone shows you who they are believe them. Facts," as evidence that the couple are on the outs again.

The couple first met in the summer of 2018, but split up for the first time in October. One notable dynamic of the couple's relationship is that Messer is 26 years old and Jordan is 13 years older. Some fans have referred to this as a possible explanation for the couple's inability to make things work.

During a past episode of Teen Mom 2, however, Messer defended the couple's age-gap by saying that "when you're in my situation, because if I date someone my age, they don't get my life. They don't understand three kids, they don't want any part of that, actually."

"I think he's definitely more mature than other guys that I've dated that are my age," she also said at the time, then going on to say that Jordan being a parent himself was one of the things that drew her to him. "It's just a different responsibility, it's a different life than someone that's single...he's a good dad...he's an all around good person."

Following their initial split, Messer took to Twitter to comment on the situation by sharing a meme and a message.

"Some things are meant to happen, just not meant to be," she captioned the meme. "Some things are meant to come into your life, just not meant to stay."

He split from Jordan is not the only big hit Messer has taken this year, as back in February she was the victim of home flooding that was documented on Teen Mom 2.

After staying at Jordan's over the weekend, Messer returned home to find the flooding damage.

"The water had been off and then it came back on and I guess there was a leak and it flooded in the house," she told producer Brendan during the episode. "My entire bedroom floor was completely soaked. I removed the carpet the same day I found it and there had already been little spots of mold on it."

"I'm thankful that ... I still have a home, we still have belongings. It's just a lot of damage," she later added.

Teen Mom 2 airs Mondays at 9 p.m. ET on MTV.