
Ranking The Tarantino Films

Over the course of cinematic history, few filmmakers have had an impact like Quentin Tarantino. […]

Over the course of cinematic history, few filmmakers have had an impact like Quentin Tarantino.

Ever since his debut – Reservoir Dogs – in 1992, Tarantino has had a style all his own. By using realistic dialogue, inventive stories, and pieces of historic genres, the guy has found a way to turn film upside-down.

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With nine films under his belt – eight if you combine the two parts of Kill Bill – and not many more to go, we decided to look back and rank Tarantino’s collection of great work.

Each of the movies on the list are of high quality, but it’s time to see how they stand up against each other.

Take a look, as we rank each Tarantino film, beginning with number eight…


Death Proof

Death Proof accomplished what it was meant to, but wasn’t exactly supposed to be a hit with each and every fan.

The film was Tarantino’sย half of the Grindhouseย double feature, with Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror rounding out the pair. They were released in theaters as a double feature, paying homage to the Grindhouseย B-movies of the 1990s.

death proof


Reservoir Dogs

Yes, the original Tarantinoย film is pretty low on this list, but that’s just a testament to how great his catalog actually is.

After Reservoir Dogs, Tarantinoย continued improving with each and every film. He took the lessons he learned and doubled down for the next effort.

Reservoir Dogs isn’t low on the list because it’s bad, it’s low because he’s that good.



Hateful Eight

Hateful Eight might’ve been Tarantino’sย most gorgeous film in terms of projection and scenery. It also contained one of the best original scores anyone has heard in a long time.

Where this film lacked however, was transitioning Tarantino’sย magic with words into a true western setting. It worked in Django, but didn’t have the same effect in the snowy mountain getaway.

Above everything, the thing to note in Hateful Eight is Tarantino’sย progression as a writer. It’s virtually the same concept as Reservoir Dogs, but a with a much-improved script.



Inglorious Basterds

Tarantinoย attempted to re-write history with Brad Pitt and Inglorious Basterds, and fans loved it. The film is easily the most fun addition to his catalogue.

Brad Pitt played the Nazi hunting Aldo Raineย perfectly, and the rest of the cast turned in exceptional performances as well. Basterds, like Kill Bill, found a way to brilliantly blend genres, while still being true to Tarantino’s style.

It’s also wise to credit Inglorious Basterdsย for bringing to life one of the best villains in the history of the war genre – Hansย Landa.



Jackie Brown

Jackie Brown is an extremely underrated film, that Tarantino purists often hail as one of his greatest achievements.

The Pam Greirย starring film contained some of Tarantino’s most well-written quips and accessible characters

In addition to Grier, Sam Jackson and Robert De Niroย made each scene of this movie worth watching again, and it continues to surprise after all these years.



Kill Bill

It’s hard to separate the two parts of Kill Bill, as they tell equal pieces of the same story. Even though there’s two complete movies, neither one lacks in any way.

The kungย fu epic featured everything fans could’ve asked for, including a great Sam Jackson cameo, a ton of blood, and a flawless performance by Umaย Thurman.

kill bill


Pulp Fiction

It’s hard to find any flaws in Pulp Fiction, as it was one of the most groundbreaking films in history.

The use of non-linear storytelling was a genuine surprise when the film was released, and audiences were blown away by the script and story.

The only reason this film isn’t ranked number one, is that Tarantinoย found a way to get even better.

pulp fiction


Django Unchained

From start to finish, Djangoย Unchained was a hell of a film. The story was a ton of fun, the dialogue was some of Tarantino’sย best, and the characters resonated with each and every audience member.

Djangoย was able to reach more viewers than allย of Tarantino’sย other films because it was grounded in certainties that everyone can understand. Racism, revenge, and love – all are aspects of life that people can see in the real world.ย 

The concept for the movie was grounded, but there was still a ton of classic Tarantino style throughout. That, combined with (arguably) DiCaprio’sย best role, puts Djangoย Unchained at the number one spot.

Which Tarantinoย film would you rank at the top? Let us know in the comments below!

