
Man Dies During Doughnut-Eating Contest

There are some pretty rough ways to ‘shuffle off this mortal coil.’ You could be gored in the […]

There are some pretty rough ways to “shuffle off this mortal coil.” You could be gored in the chest by a bull statue, sucked into a jet engine turbine, or choked to death by an atomic wedgie (every single one of those really happened).

You could even die from something as innocent as a doughnut eating contest, which is exactly what happened to Travis Malouff of Denver, Colorado.

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Malouff was at local Denver doughnut shop Voodoo Doughnuts to take part in a doughnut eating contest where the contestants have 80 seconds in which to eat a half-pound doughnut.

Witnesses said that things started simple enough, with all the contestants hurriedly munching down their individual doughnuts, but suddenly things started to go wrong.

People began to notice that something was wrong with Malouff, and then they began to realize that he was choking.

People attempted to help the 42-year-old but it seems clear that no one in attendance was medically trained. A witness told reporters, “They tried so hard to do everything. It was clear that nobody was trained and they were just reacting.”

The next day, the Denver Office of the Medical Examiner confirmed what everyone sadly knew to be true, that Malouff died from “asphyxia, due to obstruction of the airway.”

In a somewhat bizarre turn of events, on the very same day that this tragic incident took place a college student, 20-year-old Caitlin Nelson, died at Sacred Heart University while participating in sorority pancake-eating charity event.

Reportedly, Voodoo Doughnuts has suspended all of it’s eating contest promotions for the time being.

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[H/T: BroBible]