
Every Captain America: Civil War Character Sorted Into Their Harry Potter Hogwarts House (Part 1)

Captain America: Civil War just dropped on Blu-ray and DVD to the delight of Marvel fans […]

Captain America: Civil War just dropped on Blu-ray and DVD to the delight of Marvel fans everywhere. The movie was a box-office hit and proved once again that Marvel is totally on point with their plots, characters, and cinematography.

The film was packed with an all-star cast of familiar heroes from previous installments like Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, War Machine, Scarlet Witch, and more, but also introduced two epic new characters: Black Panther and Spider-Man.

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We’ve gotten to know these heroes intimately throughout the evolution of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We know their struggles and their strengths, their motivations and their pitfalls. We know they work best together as a team, but that sometimes their differences are too vast to overcome.

But there’s one thing we don’t know: Which Harry Potter Hogwarts house they’d be sorted into. Before we start sorting these characters, here’s a brief reminder of each of the Hogwarts houses and which attributes they best embody.

(Photo: Pottermore)

Okay, let’s get our Sorting Hat out!

Captain America – House Gryffindor

Captain America, AKA Steve Rogers, is the perfect example of “courage, bravery and determination.” Since we first met him in the MCU we’ve seen time and again his willingness to put his own life on the line to defend what he believes is right.

In Captain America: The First Avenger he jumped on a grenade (which turned out to be a dummy grenade) to save his fellow troops. In Captain America: Winter Soldier he stopped at nothing to take down the Winter Soldier (who he later learned is his old friend Bucky). In The Avengers he fearlessly defended the citizens of New York from the onslaught of Chitauri. And in Captain America: Civil War he refused to sign the Sokovia Accords and was willing to go against Iron Man, Black Widow and even Vision โ€“ because that’s what he thought was the right thing to do.

The Sorting Hat says Captain America is House Gryffindor.

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(Photo: HDWallpapers)


Iron Man – House Slytherin

The man in the metal suit is nothing if not “proud, ambitious and cunning.” Iron Man is the “ends justify the means” type of guy and he’ll do whatever he has to in order to achieve his goals โ€“ even if that means operating outside the confines of the law.

While Iron Man generally has the peoples’ best interest in mind, his pride and ego often get in the way of carrying out the mission at hand. S.H.I.E.L.D. assessed him as displaying “textbook narcissism,” and he’s demonstrated those traits throughout each and every film in the MCU, though it could be argued he’s become less egocentric as time’s gone by.

Iron Man is quick witted and cunning, and it’s those traits that have saved himself, his allies, and the world countless times. But his ambition has led to some serious catastrophes. Just look at Ultron and Sokovia.

Iron Man is a leader, and sometimes leaders make bad choices, but that doesn’t make him a bad person. It does, however, make him Slytherin.

The Sorting Hat says Iron Man is House Slytherin.

(Photo: Emaze)


Black Widow – House Ravenclaw

Steeped in mystery and shrouded in darkness, Black Widow is one of the world’s most highly intelligent and highly-trained spies. Though raised in Russia, she later defected to the United States and became an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. An excellent tactician and learned leader, she uses her deep wells of wisdom to help guide her decisions.

We first spotted this master of disguise in Iron Man 2, where she fooled Iron Man into thinking she was nothing more than a Latin-speaking model (although she really does speak Latin). ย In The Avengers, Black Widow embarked on what was potentially the most dangerous mission any mortal had ever faced: recruiting Bruce Banner. But through her intellect and her wit, she successfully convinced the scientist to help save the world. In Captain America: Civil War she displayed her wisdom by deciding to sign the Sokovia Accords. While she didn’t necessarily agree with giving up control, she understood that “staying together is more important than how we stay together.”

Black Widow is not only extraordinarily intelligent, she’s also incredibly wise. And that makes her Ravenclaw.ย 

The Sorting Hat says Black Widow is House Ravenclaw.

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(Photo: Wall.Alphacoders)

Falcon – House Hufflepuff

Falcon joined the United States Air Force and later became a test pilot for the EXO-7 Falcon โ€“ a suit that grants him the power of flight and comes fully equipped with an array of lethal gadgets, namely Redwing. Falcon is a patriot at heart and is completely and totally loyal to his country, and Captain America.

Falcon and Captain America first met in Captain America: Winter Soldier. The two were out on a morning jog in Washington D.C., and while Falcon tried keeping pace with the Super Soldier, there was just no point. It was there that their friendship began.

Falcon trains hard, because he knows he has to in order to keep up with the likes of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and the rest of the Avengers. But training hard is something the military man is used to.

It’s in Captain America: Winter Soldier that we first see Falcon’s intense loyalty to Captain America after he offers him and Black Widow refuge at his home.

In Captain America: Civil War we see Falcon’s loyalty to Captain America come to full fruition when he chooses to side with him in his stance to oppose the Sokovia Accords and save Winter Soldier โ€“ a decision that came with steep consequences.

Falcon is a hard working military man who is loyal to the end to Captain America, and that makes him one tough Hufflepuff.

The Sorting Hat says Falcon is House Hufflepuff.

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(Photo: Bhmpics)


Hawkeye – House Ravenclaw

Cool. Calculated. And three steps ahead. That’s how Hawkeye likes to play things. A former special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., this master of the bow keeps an eye on the battlefield from his perch high above.

We first spot Hawkeye in Thor, where he’s briefly featured drawing a bead on the Asgardian god. But it’s not until The Avengers that we really get a good look at Hawkeye and what drives his character.

Guardian of the Tesserect, Hawkeye watches from his nest. After the mysterious object begins to “misbehave,” Hawkeye uses his intellect to deduce that someone is trying to open a portal โ€“ Loki. Neither Director Fury nor Erik Selvig were able to connect those dots, but The Hawk figured it out in just a few moments.

Hawkeye consistently displays his wisdom throughout each movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In The Avengers, we discover he was ordered to assassinate Black Widow, but instead he offered her redemption. It was a wise choice indeed as Black Widow later makes an invaluable addition to both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers.

His quick wit proves to lighten the most stressful situations, but more importantly it helps Hawkeye to stay several steps ahead of his enemies. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Hawkeye is the only one who is able to best both Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, who together make short work of the rest of the Avengers.

The Old Man is wise beyond his years, and most certainly has “wit beyond measure.” This makes Hawkeye a Ravenclaw with razor-sharp talons.

The Sorting Hat says Hawkeye is House Ravenclaw.

(Photo: Hdqwalls)


Black Panther – House Gryffindor

Steeped in tradition and honor, Black Panther perfectly exemplifies what a Gryffindor should aspire to be. He was born the protector of his tribe and wears the mantle of the Black Panther, a position that is passed from warrior to warrior. And after the untimely death of his father, he also wears the mantle of King of Wakanda.ย 

We first see Black Panther in Captain America: Civil War, where he embarks on his personal mission to avenge the murder of his father. Burdened with vengeance, he mercilessly hunts down Winter Soldier and holds his ground as he battles against the Super Soldier. But he’s ultimately stopped after he, Captain America and Winter Soldier are cornered and held at gunpoint.

After learning that Winter Soldier wasn’t the one who killed his father, Black Panther turns his attention to Colonel Helmut Zemo. As Black Panther stands in the snow, poised and ready to strike down his enemy, he realizes that like Zemo, he has been consumed with vengeance. Instead of exacting retribution, he lets Zemo live.

Black Panther certainly teetered on the edge of Slytherin, maybe even peering over the edge, but in the end this honorable warrior chose the path of a Gryffindor.ย 

The Sorting Hat says Black Panther is House Gryffindor.

Click hereย for “Every Captain America: Civil War Character Sorted Into Their Harry Potter Hogwarts House (Part 2),” where we sort War Machine, Hawkeye, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, and Spider-Man!

(Photo: Marvelcinematicuniverse.wikia)
