
British Celebrities React To ‘Brexit’ Vote

In the aftermath of British voters choosing to exit the European Union, an event aptly being […]

In the aftermath of British voters choosing to exit the European Union, an event aptly being referred to as “Brexit,” many British celebrities and notable figures have provided their opinions on the historic decision. The result of the vote, causing British Prime Minister David Cameron to resign, was a 52% majority voting in favor of the country’s exit from the European Union.

The general sentiment amongst British notables leaned more towards a negative outlook on the results of the vote as they took to social media to express their opinions, according to Variety.

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Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling captioned the event with the simple yet pungent tweet writing, “Goodbye U.K.” after the vote on Thursday.

The Late Late Show host James Corden also added his voice to social media to express his opinions on Twitter. Corden tweeted, “I can’t get my head around what’s happening in Britain. I’m so sorry to the youth of Britain. I fear you’ve been let down today.”

The vote raised concerns with some celebrities regarding the future of deal-making and how the changes will affect prices for British companies. House actor Hugh Laurie tweeted, “First hairline crack in the plasterwork: England fans will be paying 25 quid for a bottle of beer by Monday.”

Other celebrities that expressed their negative reactions to the vote on social media were Game Of Thrones actress Lena Headey, who “likened the sentiment among pro-exit voters in Britain to the support across the Pond for Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump.”

Hopefully the decision will not turn out to be quite the negative outcome that these celebrities are predicting.