‘Snowden’s’ Shailene Woodley And Jason Gordon-Levitt Talk About Privacy

“Snowden” is set to hit theaters September 16, and as the release date nears, actors Shailene [...]

"Snowden" is set to hit theaters September 16, and as the release date nears, actors Shailene Woodley and Jason Gordon-Levitt talk about one of the films central themes: privacy.

"Privacy isn't a human right anymore – it's a privilege," said Woodley.

"Not everyone everywhere has that privilege," said Gordon-Levitt. "The decisions we make now, us a generation, are going to cascade and have rippling effects moving into the future for what this technology is to us."

The biopic follows the life former CIA employee Edward Snowden, who leaked classified information from the NSA in 2013. Snowden became the world's most wanted man and he was forced to flee to Russia while seeking asylum elsewhere.

It's a heart-pounding story based around real-life events and it's coming to theaters in just a few days.

See the full video below:

[ H/T Wired ]