Fake Reporter Convinces People Hillary Clinton Dropped Out Of The Race

These people reacted perfectly when comedian Tyler Fischer pretended to be a reporter and told [...]

These people reacted perfectly when comedian Tyler Fischer pretended to be a reporter and told them Hillary Clinton just dropped out of the race for the presidency.

Fischer donned a spiffy-looking suit, had a real microphone and camera operator and took to the streets to report "live news." And when he reported that Clinton was out, passersby stopped in their tracks.

"She just dropped out, announced about five minutes ago," Fischer told one woman to who stopped to investigate.

The reaction to the news was mixed, with some people rejoicing, and other acting as if it was the end of the world.

"No! You're kidding," another woman said. "I'll kill myself."

But some people were excited to hear Clinton had suspended her campaign. One person asked if Clinton dropped out because she was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Fischer just rolled with it said it was actually Zika.

How would you react if you heard this news?

[ H/T The Blaze ]