Donald Trump Is All Out Of Sorts Over The ‘Saturday Night Live Hit Job’ On Him

It’s just not fair when comedians make fun of reality TV star billionaire real estate mogul [...]

It's just not fair when comedians make fun of reality TV star billionaire real estate mogul presidential candidates on Saturday Night Live. At least, that's what Donald Trump says.

The Donald was less than impressed with Alec Baldwin's impression of him on the late-night comedy show and wanted to make sure the world knew exactly how he felt about it. So he took to Twitter to express his feelings.

(Photo: BGR)

"Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me," Trump wrote. "Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!"

The Donald didn't elaborate on how Saturday Night Live was "rigging" the election, but it seemed to be his theme for Twitter for the day. Moments later, he tweeted he "lost large numbers of women voters based on made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Media rigging election!"

Then less than an hour later, he really hammered the point home by claiming the "media" was in cahoots with the Clinton campaign "by putting stores that never happened into news!"

Again, he didn't go into detail on which stories were fabricated, or in what ways the media and Clinton campaign were joining forces, but one thing is clear: Trump did not like this Saturday Night Live skit.

[ H/T Twitter / @realDonaldTrump ]