Alec Baldwin Reacts to Election Results in Twitter Rant

Alec Baldwin, who has been portraying Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, broke character on [...]

Alec Baldwin, who has been portraying Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, broke character on Wednesday to share his thoughts on the election results.

alec baldwin
(Photo: Twitter / ETnow)

The 53-year-old actor took to Twitter to express his dismay.

"I was taught in college that Americans choose their President like they choose laundry soap, w a knee-jerk brand loyalty devoid of reason," he wrote. "One thing that is changed forever in this country is the meaning of the word 'Christian' as it applies to politics."

He began tweeting about the election as the polls began to close.

"The billionaire Republican businessman is close to winning the race and world markets are crashing. He's all yours, America. He's all yours," he said.

While he is dismayed, he is avoiding despair.

"1- I think the thing to focus on now is our families," he wrote. "To love those that were put in our lives to care for. Also our respective health. 2- work and faith. The American political system is broken. Walk away from it for a while. As Coriolanus says, 'There is a world elsewhere.'"

He concluded with his plan for the future, "Theme for 2020: MAKE THE WHITE HOUSE GREAT AGAIN."

This election may make Thanksgiving dinner at the Baldwin house a bit awkward, as it will in many American homes. Baldwin's younger brother, Stephen, is on the other side of the political aisle.

He posted a picture from Donald Trump's election party, writing, "Soon the REAL work begins ... to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!" he tweeted. "Proud to have been a part of such amazing history!! @realDonaldTrump."

This story first appeared at Womanista.