6-Year-Old Townsville Elementary School Shooting Victim Jacob Hall Dies

Jacob Hall was on the playground at his South Carolina school when a 14-year-old opened fire, [...]

Jacob Hall was on the playground at his South Carolina school when a 14-year-old opened fire, wounding him, another boy and a teacher. Jacob was in critical condition and clung to life for as long as he could, but the child ultimately passed away from his injuries.

(Photo: Bearing Arms)

Jacob's older brother Gerald Gambrell took to Facebook after his passing.

"God took his strongest soldier," Gambrell wrote. "Jacob will be with us forever and always in our hears. I love you little brother and I can't wait until the day we meet again."

Jacob's death makes him one of the youngest victims of a school shooting in America since Sandy Hook, where 20 first-grade children were killed. The Sandy Hook Promise organization offered their condolences after learning of Jacob's passing.

"We know firsthand the anguish his friends, family, teachers and classmates are facing. This didn't have to happen, it should not have happened, and we are deeply saddened to add Townville, and any town, to the growing list of American communities forever touched by gun violence," the group said in a statement.

Jacob was indeed a warrior and he fought for as long as he could. Our hearts go out to his family and friends.

May he rest in peace.

[ H/T NBC News ]