Pop Singer Dies After Liposuction Complications: Dani Li Was 42

The causes of her medical complications remain unclear, so no cause of death has been established.

Brazilian pop star Dani Li passed away after complications during liposuction surgery at the age of 42. The artist, whose real name is Danielle Fonseca Machado, died on Wednesday.

It is reported that she underwent surgery for liposuction on her stomach and back, in addition to a breast reduction, but was rushed to a hospital after suffering a complication during the procedure. The operation cost roughly 25,000 Brazilian reals, or over $5,000, reported Metro UK.

Li was married to Marcelo Mira, with whom she shared a seven-year-old daughter, who told local media on Thursday, according to The Sun, "Her body arrives tomorrow in Macapá. "We are very shaken by all this. The burial will be on Saturday."

In the aftermath of her passing, her family also posted on social media pages that a ceremony would take place at a larger venue where anyone who wishes to pay their condolences and say goodbye "to our star" will be able to do so.

The Li family responded to her death on Facebook, thanking fans for their support and saying that while they were "shaken," they were doing as well as possible. Fans, family members, and members of the music industry have shared condolences and honored Li with tributes.

Much of her enduring fame can be attributed to her song "Eu sou de Amazonia," which translates to "I am from the Amazon." Originally, she was born in the jungles of Afua, in the Amazon region of the country, and started singing at the age of five after moving to Macapa when she was 17 years old.

As a child, the singer competed in talent shows in her hometown before becoming famous as an adult, according to reports. Then, in 2008, she met Osmar Junior, a poet and producer who would go on to become her producer and help her become famous.

Among the most popular songs she recorded were "Vem Me Dizer," "Pra Voce Ficar Comigo," and "Caique." Her last song, "Guerra de Amor," was released on Jan. 14.

Currently, it's unclear what caused her medical complications, so no cause of death has been determined. An investigation is underway.