This Cardboard Cutout Of The Family Dog A Mom Made Her College-Bound Son Is Precious

my mom got me a cardboard cutout of my dog to take with me to college 😂 [...]

(Twitter / @jostrowski12)

Many of us have been terrified before heading off to college. It's a huge new world that can be terrifying at moments. So, naturally, before Jake Ostrowski took off for Texas Tech in the Fall, his mom, Sharla, came up with a great idea so that he could bring a little piece of home with him.

That's right. The above tweet shows their family dog, Jesse, as a cardboard cutout. Sharla thought it'd be the perfect thing to take to the college dorms to remember home. And while speaking with New York Magazine, Jake seemed very excited about the cutout:

It was probably the best gift I've ever received. I've had tons of people quoting the tweet saying that they're gonna do this now or telling their own mom to take note.

Well done, mom. Well done. And hey, Jesse is still getting love on Twitter.

We love you too, Jesse.

[H/T New York Magazine, Mashable, Twitter]