39 Essential Oils For Your Health

Dry skin? Feel a cold coming on? There may be a natural cure for that! Essential oils have been [...]

essential oil lavender

Dry skin? Feel a cold coming on? There may be a natural cure for that! Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for health, beauty and holistic healing. Be careful out what oils you use, because many need to be diluted or could have unwanted side effects, and you should always consult an expert before starting any new regimes.

Lavender: One of the most versatile oils, lavender scent is good for relaxing. You can also use it on bruises, cuts and skin irritation.

Cinnamon bark: If you're traveling to another country, use this essential oil to help avoid food-borne disease! Just add a drop to a cup of water a few times a day to help prevent E. coli, diarrhea and salmonella.


Peppermint: If you're looking for a natural headache reliever, try putting a few drops of peppermint oil on your temples or the back of your head. You can also use it to help with constipation by putting a drop into water.

Rose: This is a great essential oil for women. It is known to improve hormone balance, treat PMS and menopause symptoms and improve the health and look of skin.

Eucalyptus: Dab some on the tops of your feet to help prevent colds, coughs and more! Eucalyptus is a great antiviral and the veins on your feet will carry it up to your lungs in less than 30 seconds.

Bergamot: With its citrus smell, this essential oil is often found in perfumes. It's a great stress reliever and often used in treating eczema. Do not apply directly however, because if not diluted, bergamot can burn your skin.

Allspice: As an essential oil, allspice can induce numbness, relieve pain and relax the mind and body. It's also used to add color to the skin.


Helichrysum: This is referred to as an "emergency oil." You can apply it to a bleed as an instant analgesic and after a minute or two, the pain will stop too!

Black pepper: Pepper has been used throughout history, and not just in cooking! It helps to aid digestion, calm cramps and convulsions, ease joint pain and arthritis and cure bacterial infections.

>> Read more: Your Guide to Herbs and Spices

Calendula: To heal embarrassing acne scars, apply some Calendula. It is also thought to help psoriasis if you add a drop or two to your bath water.

For more healthy essential oils, check out the next page!

Sesame: Commonly found in skin and hair treatments, sesame oil is a great moisturizer! It also has a slight SPF factor and may even lower stress and blood pressure.

Red mandarin: Bloated? Combine three drops of this oil with peppermint oil and apply it to your abdomen. It should help with the release of gas and ease constipation.

Thyme: Detox your liver to give your system a boost using thyme. It also has antiseptic properties to help with circulation after strains.


Patchouli: This oil is a great anti-inflammatory. It's also used in healing inflamed or cracked skin, treating acne, dermatitis and eczema.

White spruce: By applying two drops to the tops of each foot, you can use white spruce as an antihistamine to relieve congestion, runny nose and itchy eyes. You can also rub it into your palms and and cup your hands over your nose and mouth.

Black spruce: If you haven't been getting enough sleep, rub black spruce oil into your palms and cup your hands around your mouth and nose. This will give your adrenal glands a boost to provide you with more energy!

Tea tree: This Australian plant can be used topically to help fungus and blemishes. Apply it to acne blemishes with a cotton swab or use it on athlete's foot!

Tea Tree Oil

Geranium: Fight PMS with geranium oil or use it to refresh skin, treat acne, oily skin, boost circulation and decrease bloating. You can also reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes, remove body odor and diminish the appearance of lines and wrinkles by contracting blood vessels.

Argan oil: This oil has been used in beauty products for years. It is great for moisturizing rough skin, dry hair and brittle nails.

>> Recipe: Detox Green Tea

Neroli: Calm your anxiety and relieve some symptoms of depression with this floral and citrus scented essential oil.

Find more healthy essential oils on the next page!

Oregano: This essential oil is not known for its good taste, but applying a few drops to the tongue is said to stop colds and fight off the flu. You can even dilute it with coconut oil to treat athlete's foot! Oregano is also good for dealing with intestinal parasites, ringworms, treating warts and speeding muscle recovery.

Frankincense: Thought to be used to help with depression, inflammation and immunity, Frankincense is best for treating minor cuts and bug bites.

Lemon: Use lemon oil to detox the body and prevent acne. It's also said to help with concentration and focus! As an added bonus, it'll keep fleas away from your pets.

lemon peel

>> Read more: Household Hacks: Lemons

Grapefruit: This citrus essential oil is said to curb your appetite and help travelers recover from jet lag and fight fatigue. You can also use it as an antiseptic in your homemade household cleaners.

Cedarwood: Use this to help with skin problems like acne, psoriasis, dandruff and dermatitis. It's also good for arthritis and preventing hair loss.

Juniper: Juniper berries themselves have a lot of antioxidants. and the oil they create is great for your digestive system and can be used as a diuretic to flush out toxins, excess water weight and excessive amounts of sodium.

Clove: Clove can be used as an antiseptic when diluted, so you can find it helpful for cuts, bug bites and scrapes. It's also used in curing ear aches, digestive problems, nasal congestion, headaches, stomach aches, and tooth and gum pain. Some even say it's good for bad breath - if you don;t mind your breath smelling like cloves.


Basil: A source of vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium, basil can also treat nausea, motion sickness, indigestion, constipation and more!

Manuka: This is an antifungal that can be applied to cuts and scrapes to promote faster healing.

Sandalwood: Safe for sensitive skin, sandalwood can be used on stretch marks. It's also used to help with laryngitis, bronchitis and UTIs.

For more essential oils and their benefits, click "next."

Rosemary: Can't concentrate? Stop and smell the rosemary! It can help you to focus on your task and may even improve memory.

Saffron: Strengthen the functions of your stomach with saffron oil! It'll also work to increase your libido.


Star anise: Often diffused and inhaled, this essential oil smells like black licorice and is good for relieving bronchitis, colds and the flu.

Lime: Lime is an antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral, so you'll be fighting off germs at every turn!

Neem: Fight lice and hair loss with neem. You can also use it to stop flatulence and clear phlegm from bronchial tubes.

Ginger: Ginger is often taken in tea or candies, but smelling the essential oil also helps with queasiness. In cancer centers, they often give it to patients going through radiation.


Laurel: Just a small amount of this oil will help to get your digestive system functioning at its best!

Hyssop: For respiratory infections like bronchitis, try hyssop to support your lungs!

Mandarin: To help your nervous system, try out mandarin oil. It can also help to purify your blood and improve circulation.

How do you use essential oils? Let us know in the comments below!