Lindsay Lohan Gets Her Finger Chopped Off In Freak Boating Accident

**Warning: Graphic content**Lindsay Lohan lost a finger, but she’s lucky she didn’t lose her [...]

**Warning: Graphic content**

Lindsay Lohan lost a finger, but she's lucky she didn't lose her life.

Lindsay Lohan
(Photo: TMZ)

The Hollywood star was boating in the ocean off Turkey when she tried pulling up the anchor. But instead, the anchor dragged her into the water. Lohan became entangled in the line and struggled to free herself as thrashed about in the water.

Finally, she was able to clamber back into the boat. That's when she noticed her finger ring finger was missing. Somehow the anchor had completely sliced off the tip of her finger, but thankfully her friends found the digit on the deck of the boat.

Lohan was rushed to the ER, her severed finger in a plastic bag nearby, and a surgeon promptly reattached it.

Screen Shot 2016-10-02 at 1.03.04 PM
(Photo: TMZ)

We're happy to hear Lohan is alright and hopefully she recovers quickly.

[ H/T TMZ ]