Wendy Williams Makes Inappropriate 'Price Is Right' Joke About Drew Carey's Ex-Fiancee Amie Harwick Dying

Wendy Williams is facing backlash after she seemingly made a joke about the death of Drew Carey's [...]

Wendy Williams is facing backlash after she seemingly made a joke about the death of Drew Carey's former fiancée Dr. Amie Harwick. During Monday's episode of her namesake talk show, just two days after Harwick died after falling from balcony following an alleged domestic violence incident, Williams joked about her murder.

"She was killed. Not by Drew," Williams said, explaining that Harwick, a Los Angeles therapist, had been "pushed from a third floor balcony."

After a pause, Williams then said, "Come on down," the famous The Price Is Right catchphrase. She also tilted her head up and then down, seemingly referring to Harwick's fall.

Although the audience largely remained silent, those on social media were not as eager to stay quiet, many calling Williams out.

"Hey [Wendy Williams]– CLASSLESS MOVE making a joke about a domestic violence victim," wrote one person. "Amie Harwick, an amazing woman and champion for mental health awareness was senselessly killed and you used it as an opportunity for a one liner. HOW F–ING DARE YOU."

"Amie Harwick was attacked by an old boyfriend and fell three stories to her death and you are cracking jokes?" asked another viewer. "[Wendy Williams], what the hell is wrong with you?"

"I KNOW [Wendy Williams] did NOT just make a 'come on down' joke about Drew Carey's ex-fiancee getting killed by being thrown off of a third floor balcony," commented somebody else. "Somebody tell me i heard that wrong, please..but the audience is stone-cold quiet.."

Williams' comments even led some to call for her firing.

"Wendy Williams needs to be fired for her comments concerning the death Of Amie Harwick," wrote one.

"Amie Harwick dedicated her life to helping people heal and be at peace. She educated herself and shared her gifts," added another. "Wendy Williams is mediocre and cruel. She should be removed from her job for her continued ill-hearted comments."

Williams, who recently faced scrutiny for her comments on the LGBTW+ community, has not yet responded to the backlash to her comments regarding Harwick.

Harwick, 38, was killed early Saturday morning following what is believed to have been a domestic violence incident with her ex-boyfriend Gareth Pursehouse. According to authorities, who found Harwick suffering from injuries "consistent with a fall" beneath a third floor balcony, her home showed evidence of a forced entry and struggle.

Pursehouse has since been arrested on suspicion of murder and is being held on $2 million bail.