'Today' Show Staple Dies After Pancreatic Cancer Fight: Dr. Ric Porter Was 69

The 'Today' favorite may have caused some controversy in recent years, but he was still a favorite for many.

The Today Show team is mourning a longtime member after they died suddenly. Dr. Ric Porter succumbed to pancreatic cancer at 69 years old. According to The Daily Mail, the former Good Medicine host and Nine Network's Today star was one of the original doctors who delivered the first IVF birth in New South Wales. He also later became the first doctor to deliver a baby on live television in 2003.

"Some sad news tonight," Nine presenter Georgie Gardner opened a segment for the late medical professional. "During his career, he delivered more than 5000 babies...He will be deeply missed."

Porter's career wasn't without controversy, such as what played out publicly back in 2015. Gordon was caught in a firestorm of controversy after saying, "There were no overweight people in the concentration camps," on the morning show. It came during a discussion on weight loss and was quickly treated as a wayward mention. "Now, they weren't exercising a lot, they just weren't eating," he added.

"Dr Gordon crossed the line when he made his irresponsible, tactless and ignorant comparison which justifiably caused an uproar around the world," Anti-Defamation Commission chair Dvir Abramovich said in response to the apology. "It does not represent an apology because it seems that he does not understand why using the Nazi concentration camps to discuss eating habits and exercise was so hurtful and had caused so much offense."

Still, Gordon is remembered fondly by others and his Nine Network co-workers and his achievements can't be denied. While discussing the live TV delivery back in 2022, Gordon kept things to the point.

"It went so well, it was a great morning and a good outcome," he told Today at the time. "The baby cried when it was meant to cry, mum and dad were happy...And Tracey (Grimshaw) was quite emotional over it all."