Lance Bass Makes Heavy-Hitting Claims About Being 'Kept Away From' Britney Spears Amid Conservatorship

Lance Bass is showing his support for Britney Spears amid her ongoing conservatorship case. Just [...]

Lance Bass is showing his support for Britney Spears amid her ongoing conservatorship case. Just days after Spears requested formal charges be pressed against her father Jamie Spears, who remains in control of his daughter's estate, for what she described as "conservatorship abuse," the NSYNC star revealed he has been "kept away" from the singer amid her 13-year conservatorship.

Bass raised the shocking allegations during an interview on PodcastOne's Heather Dubrow's World podcast, a clip of which was first reported on by Us Weekly. In the interview, out Friday, July 23, Bass told Dubrow that despite being friends since the '90s, when they were both rising to stardom, he hasn't "spoken to her for years." Bass said he and Spears have been "kept away from each other for quite a while." He went on to add, "I don't know exactly what she needs but I do know that she, to me — [from] what I see — is sane enough to pick her own people."

An increased spotlight was put on Spears' conservatorship and the #FreeBritney movement following the release of the documentary The New York Times Presents: Framing Britney Spears. Not long after, Spears delivered emotional courtroom testimony telling a judge, "This conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good." Again speaking on the case in July, the "Toxic" singer further opened up about the abuse she said she has endured, telling a judge that every aspect of her life has been controlled, all the way down to her diet. She said that those in the conservatorship "were trying to kill me…if this is not abuse, I don't know what is" and requested "an investigation into my dad," adding that she "would like to charge my father with conservatorship abuse. I want to press charges against my father today."

Bass said that he supports the singer's motion to distance herself from her father, telling Dubrow, "I believe that she needs to be away from the dad. She needs to pick her own people running this conservatorship, if she even needs one, especially when choosing her lawyer." Spears' request to hire her own attorney was granted in July, with Spears hiring Mathew Rosengart, a former federal prosecutor. Bass said that from his viewpoint, "There's a bigger picture here… The main thing that I'm concerned about is the court systems and this judge. If this is really true, then we have to look at this judge, right? Because that means that they're corrupt. I don't know, it's scary."