Britney Spears Reveals Baby and Marriage Plans During Conservatorship Hearing

Britney Spears has broken her silence in her virtual court hearing on Wednesday. The pop mogul [...]

Britney Spears has broken her silence in her virtual court hearing on Wednesday. The pop mogul spoke for 20 minutes and requested to address judge Brenda Penny, and she did not hold back. In a number of statements Spears made in court, so many of her personal thoughts have been revealed, including how she wants to continue to grow her family but hasn't been allowed to.

"The last time I spoke to you, it made me feel like I was dead, like I didn't matter; like you thought I was lying. I'm not lying, so that maybe you understand the depth and degree, I deserve changes," she said to Penny according to Entertainment Tonight. "I want to be able to get married and have a baby. I was told I can't get married. I have an IUD inside me but this so called team won't let me go to the doctor to remove it because they don't want me to have anymore children. This conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good."

Spears was not shy about calling out her family and their lack of efforts the last 13 years since she entered her conservatorship. One of the most shocking reveals of the day is when she confessed that she's been put on lithium against her will, and her family didn't do anything to help. "It's a strong drug. you can go mentally impaired if you stay on it longer than 5 months. I felt drunk, I couldn't even have a conversation with my mom or dad about anything. They had me with six different nurses," she said according to CNN.

Lithium is used to treat bipolar disorder and can cause episodes of depression and mania. "My family didn't do a God—n thing," she said. "Anything I had to do, [my dad, Jamie Spears] was the one who approved all of it. My whole family did nothing." Spears went on to say how she wants to share her story "with the world" and hopes to change the rules of conservatorships because she knows she's not the only one who feels this trapped. "My attorney says I can't let the public know what they did to me [...] I truly believe this conservatorship is abusive, but ma'am, there are a thousand conservatorships that are abusive as well. I want to to end the conservatorship."

She then highlighted that she feels "depressed" and wants "changes" as she hopes to move forward with her life without needing approval for everything — even noting how she isn't allowed to drive in her boyfriend, Sam Asghari's, car alone. "I'm so angry I can't sleep, and I am depressed," she said. "I want to be heard ... I want changes and I want changes going forward. I deserve changes." She added, "I just want my life back. It's been 13 years and it's enough. It's enough and it makes no sense at all ... I'm done ... I want to sue my family to be totally honest with you."