Jennifer Garner Shares Surprising Compliment Fans Pay Her Every Day

Jennifer Garner recently opened up and shared the surprising compliment that fans pay her 'every [...]

Jennifer Garner recently opened up and shared the surprising compliment that fans pay her "every day."

While speaking to PEOPLE, Garner shared that the most common flattering comment she hears from fans is that "they tell me I'm prettier in person than I am on screen."

"You might as well see it for the compliment that they mean it to be," the 47-year-old actress then added. "That happens, if I'm out and about, every day at some point. I don't know what it is, but that is by far what I hear the most."

She went on to say that she feels "really lucky" because the fans she normally interacts with "tend to feel like I'm the girl they grew up next to or an old friend, and they want to continue a conversation that I didn't know we were having."

Garner also told the outlet that she does not read any internet reporting or gossip about her her life.

"Zero. Not only do I not read comments, I work very hard to not see the pictures, to not read articles or to know what's out there at all," she stated. "And it's not that I don't care, it's that I care too much. Instagram is a different story because I don't get a lot of people being mean."

In addition to being an A-list actress, Garner also has a food series she shoots for Instagram, titled Pretend Cooking Show, wherein she cooks and bakes, for better or worse.

"My mom made every meal growing up," she explained. "So my sisters and I have always known how to bake and do basic cooking. But I'm never really that good at it. I mean sometimes I'll do a meal or bake something and it's like 'Tada!' And then sometimes it's not. But rarely is it pretty."

Garner went on to share that she has a number of acting projects in development, but that she is also focused on her organic cold-pressed baby food, Once Upon a Farm. She is also working more with Save the Children as an advocate and ambassador for the organization, which strives to provide "relief and support for kids in rural America and developing countries."

"I want to just keep doing what I'm doing," Garner shared. "I mean my bucket list is really to see in the next presidential debates — to have them talk about poor kids in America and have that be part of the conversation. I would be beside myself. If we are talking about how to make life better for kids in our country, who are struggling the most? That'd be good stuff."

Most recently, Garner appeared in the tragically underrated HBO comedy Camping, as well as the revenge-action film Peppermint.