Jennifer Aniston recently reunited with her ex-husband, Justin Theroux, for a quaint evening with friends. Entertainment Tonight reports that the pair stepped out for an evening with actor Jason Bateman and his wife, Amanda Anka, in New York City on Saturday night. The group enjoyed dinner at Il Cantinori, with Aniston, 54, and Theroux, 51, said to be on very good terms during the get-together. At the end, the former couple were spotted hugging, and Aniston was later seen leaving with a rose in her hand.
Aniston and Theroux first began dating in 2011, and later married in 2015. In 2018, they issued a joint statement, announcing they had split and explaining that their separation “was mutual and lovingly made at the end of” 2017. “Normally we would do this privately, but given that the gossip industry cannot resist an opportunity to speculate and invent, we wanted to convey the truth directly,” the statement continued. “Whatever else is printed about us that is not directly from us, is someone else’s fictional narrative. Above all, we are determined to maintain the deep respect and love that we have for one another.” Finally, the couple added that they “look forward to continuing our cherished friendship.”
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Interestingly, there had been speculation that Aniston and Theroux were never legally married at all. According to some past reports, no official marriage records exist for the couple, despite investigations from multiple news outlets. The pair did, however, exchange vows in front of close friends. The rumors they were not legally married were bolstered by the reports that Theroux was once quoted as saying marriage is “just a piece of paper.” Many feel that this has been why the couple found it so easy, logistically at least, to part.
Another factor that reportedly worked against them was their affinity for living on opposite ends of the United States. “Jennifer loves her life in Los Angeles, and if anything, she has grown more attached to being there. Justin is not that comfortable or happy in Los Angeles all the time. He loves New York and always has,” a source previously said.
Another source added, “Jen tried the whole living in New York City thing with Justin, but at heart, she is a California girl. New York City just wasn’t ever going to be home for Jen … [Theroux] spent most of his time [with friends in New York],” another source claimed. “Encouraging Justin to spend as much time as he wanted in New York City is what doomed the marriage. Jen thought by doing so, spending time without her would make Justin miss her more.”