Idris Elba Clears up Questions Regarding Positive Coronavirus Test

Following his reveal on Monday that he'd tested positive for coronavirus, Idris Elba spent some [...]

Following his reveal on Monday that he'd tested positive for coronavirus, Idris Elba spent some time on Tuesday clarifying his condition via a video Q&A with his fans via Twitter. He addressed a number of topics over the chat, including how he's feeling and how Tom Hanks helped inspire his decision to go public. At two different parts of the clip, he also clarified why he decided to get tested before he'd shown any symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

"Well, the simple answer is, on Friday, last week, I was told someone that I had been in contact with had tested positive," Elba revealed about one minute in. "And I'm on location, about to start a film, and the news breaks, and this person, who's also in the public eye, had tested positive. So, it was definitely something I had to do as I was about to start filming and I was around a lot of people. I had to test anyway because it meant putting a lot of people at risk if I had been exposed, then the people I would be working with would also be exposed."

"We were really lucky to test very quickly due to the shortages of tests," he added. "But from my perspective, it was the best thing to do."

Later in the video, just before the 14-minute mark, Elba also addressed how Dhwore was able to get tested herself, despite the current shortage.

"The doctor and medic team for the production were contacted because someone that I was in contact with, who's also in the public eye, tested positive," the Hobbs & Shaw star continued. "So it became an issue of 'Am I, someone who's in the public eye, going to be infecting a lot of people, if I've been exposed. Therefore they got me a test immediately. And it's the same department that arranged Sabrina's test this morning."

"We are supremely aware that not many people can get tests, and feel very fortunate and lucky," Elba added. "It is down to being on the job, quite honestly."

Given the shortage of tests, as well as the continued spread of coronavirus, health officials have recommended that people self-quarantine wherever possible and engage in social distancing -- which means staying at least six feet away from people at all times. For more information on what can be done, the World Health Organization has advice for the public available on its website.