Gwyneth Paltrow Berated for 'Extremely Damaging' Weight-Loss Advice

Gwyneth Paltrow and her wellness website, Goop, are under fire for promoting a 'dangerous' weight [...]

Gwyneth Paltrow and her wellness website, Goop, are under fire for promoting a "dangerous" weight loss method. In a Q&A with celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson, Goop published a suggested plan titled "How to Lose Weight Fast" that includes instructions on how to lose 14 pounds in 14 days.

Harley Street nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert believes the article has the potential to be "extremely damaging" and have negative impacts on both the mental and physical health of readers.

"I am in complete shock that this article has been published as this has the potential to harm a lot of relationships with food," Lamert told The Independent.

"Firstly it is important to note that fast 'weight loss' is often not body fat but the number on the scales shifting, often from water weight, which is why I always advocate a healthy balanced approach over time to losing actually body fat as weight," Lambert explained.

Anderson works with celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Julianne Hough, Madonna and Kim Kardashian and to create custom workouts based on her imbalances in her clients' bodies.

Lambert also attacked Anderson's claim that following a "very low carb" and "gluten free" diet and working out every single day can "jump start" weight loss, calling it "utterly scientifically incorrect."

"In some cases the stress on the body alone may delay and hinder any desired weight loss," Lambert said.

"Numerous research has demonstrated that every diet, be it low carb, high carb, low fat or high fat will only work owed to overall energy reduction, not because of the food group itself," explains Lambert.

In fact, she says that if you work out every day, going low carb like Anderson suggests will hinder your recovery time and likely your mental health as you may be producing less serotonin, the "happy hormone" which requires carbohydrates.

Lambert also tackles the myth that "gluten-free" automatically means healthy.

"In fact, some gluten-free products are actually worse than the original item itself as they tend to have added ingredients owed to the lack of the protein gluten," Lambert said.

"It is not sensible to eliminate whole food groups or make drastic dietary changes which are not sustainable — you may end up deficient in micronutrients and lacking important dietary diversity which aid gut bacteria," she said.

The CDC backs up Lambert's claims that Anderson's 14-pound weight loss in a two-week span is unhealthy; guidelines on its website state that the safest rate for weight loss is one to two pounds per week.

Lambert says that at the end of the day, quick fixes like Anderson's are doing you more harm than good.

"Quick fixes never last," Lambert said. "They are just that: quick and not sustainable. In fact, they may end up affecting how you manage your weight long term."