Arnold Schwarzenegger Slams 'Idiot' After Getting Drop-Kicked While Taking Photo

Arnold Schwarzenegger wants fans to know that he is doing just fine after being attacked during an [...]

Arnold Schwarzenegger wants fans to know that he is doing just fine after being attacked during an Arnold Classic event in South Africa. Video from the event showed The Terminator star taking a selfie with fans when an attendee at the event ran behind him and launched himself into his back with a dropkick.

Different angles of the incident show that security quickly hauled the attacker out of the event and away from Schwarzenegger, who seemed unfazed by the incident.

And judging from his message online, the former California governor is made of tough material.

"Thanks for your concerns, but there is nothing to worry about. I thought I was just jostled by the crowd, which happens a lot," Schwarzenegger said on social media. "I only realized I was kicked when I saw the video like all of you. I'm just glad the idiot didn't interrupt my Snapchat."

Schwarzenegger followed his initial tweet with another tweet asking fans to not share the video of the man kicking him and instead focus on the many athletes taking part in the Arnold Classic event.

"We have 90 sports here in South Africa at the [Arnold Sports], and 24,000 athletes of all ages and abilities inspiring all of us to get off the couch," Arnold added. "Let's put this spotlight on them."

He did add that if fans had to share the video, they should share the opposite angle that didn't give his shouting any attention.

Fans quickly chimed in on Schwarzenegger's reply, noting that kicking him seemed to be "equivalent of kicking a brick wall" and asking why someone would kick the action star in the first place.

"The guy who kicked him probably broke both ankles," one fan wrote in their response.

"You're built like a wall [laugh my a— off], dude went in and went down hard," another added. "You barely flinched."

Organizers for the event addressed the incident after the news broke, calling the assailant a "crazed fan" who "breached security."

"Mr. Schwarzenegger is fine and still in good spirits. He still carried on with the activities as planned and is fully taking this in his stride. He even joked that some people clearly got more excited than others," a statement by the Arnold Classic organizers said.

The incident is similar to one faced by Schwarzenegger during his gubernatorial campaign when he was hit by an egg ahead of a speech. The action star immediately joked about the incident and kept moving.