Another Actress Accuses Steven Seagal of Gross Misconduct While on Movie Set

An anonymous Hollywood executive has come forward with more troubling claims about Steven [...]

An anonymous Hollywood executive has come forward with more troubling claims about Steven Seagal.

The action star has been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct by multiple actresses in recent weeks. Many paint a "casting couch" type scenario where Seagal has women come to his hotel with the suggestion that sexual favors would lead to acting roles.

The executive, who didn't want her name released to avoid any negative backlash onto her career, told Page Six that Seagal became insulted that she didn't want to "sit on his face" during her time as an actress.

While filming 1991's Out for Justice, Seagal allegedly had the new actresses line up so he could "check them out." Then, Seagal called the now-exec into his trailer for a costume change.

"A wardrobe assistant led me to Steven's personal trailer, to his bedroom, and asked me to change into a corset," the exec said. "Then, Steven opened the door [and] tried to barge in. I said, 'Excuse me, I am changing in here,' but he insisted, 'I need to see what you look like.' I told him that I wasn't comfortable and began screaming for the wardrobe person. He just smirked and said, 'It's OK, I like nice girls, too.' "

The following night, Seagal called the actress up and wanted her to come to his hotel room to listen to songs Gregg Allman recorded for the soundtrack. When she refused, the action star lashed out with an over-the-line remark.

"You are not comfortable about coming over and sitting on my face for an hour?'" Seagal allegedly said.

The actress then pushed back against Seagal's insinuation, and she claims it led to her receiving a less-than-favorable role.

"I told him, 'You're married,' and he just said, 'Ah, you are no fun,'" the executive claimed. "I worked for two weeks, then they let me go. If I'd gone to the hotel room and slept with him I would have had a much better role."

The executive also claims Seagal handed out pagers to multiple actresses involved in the shoot. The implication was that when he paged them, they were to head to his hotel room for sex.