Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is recovering at a Mumbai hospital after he suffered multiple stab wounds during a home invasion. The 54-year-old actor and film producer, known for his roles in films like Tanhaji and Devara: Part 1, sustained six stab wounds – including two deep cuts on his back, and one close to his spine – after confronting an intruder at his 11th-floor apartment early Thursday morning, according to ANI.
The attempted burglary occurred at around 2.30 a.m. local time while Khan, his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan, 44, and their sons Taimur, 7, and Jeh, 3, were inside the property and asleep. The Indian Express reported that a domestic worker first spotted the suspect and alerted Khan’s family. Khan woke and “the actor and the intruder had a scuffle,” Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone 9, Dixit Gedam said.
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Khan sustained a total of six stab wounds in the attack – several superficial injuries, as well as a minor wound to his neck and two deep cuts to his back, including one located near the spine. Sources told The Indian Express that the actor, was rushed via auto-rickshaw by his oldest son to Lilavati Hospital, where Dr. Nitin Dange, one of the neurosurgeons, confirmed that “a knife lodged dangerously close to his thoracic spine was successfully removed during neurosurgery.”
Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital, added that Khan’s injuries, “while deep, were managed very well by our medical team.” Uttamani said that the actor is now “in the ICU but is recovering steadily” and the medical team “anticipate shifting him to the general ward in a day or two.”
“The knife, lodged in the thoracic spine, caused a major injury, including a leak in the spinal fluid. We successfully removed the foreign object and repaired the spinal damage to prevent further complications.” Uttamani explained. It was a delicate operation, requiring coordinated efforts from our team.”
The domestic worker who first alerted Khan and his family to the intruder also sustained minor injuries in the attack. She has been taken to Bandra police station for questioning.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam said the “investigation is ongoing,” and Variety reported that Mumbai’s Crime Branch has launched a parallel investigation alongside local police, and seven teams have been deployed across the city.
At this time, it remains unclear how the suspect entered the home, but police believe they may have been allowed entrance by someone who worked in the home. Mumbai police confirmed that a staffer is being interrogated and a First Information Report (FIR) has been officially registered against the suspect, who has not yet been apprehended.