Amy Schumer Faces Backlash for Comments About NFL Players, Colin Kaepernick Support

Amy Schumer is still facing backlash for her vocal support of Colin Kaepernick and the NFL [...]

Amy Schumer is still facing backlash for her vocal support of Colin Kaepernick and the NFL protests.

Schumer made a lengthy post on Friday voicing her support for Kaepernick and condemning those who still support the NFL. She wrote her thoughts out in the caption of a photo on Instagram, and later posted a screenshot of it to Twitter as well. She stated definitively that she "supports Colin Kaepernick," and she encouraged other while celebrities to support his cause more actively. The response has been predictably brutal on social media.

"Oh hunnie, no one would even ask you to be in a Super Bowl commercial," one commenter wrote, "but thanks for trying."

"Totally disagree! If you are going to protest - at your place of work is not the place to do it!" added another. "Do it elsewhere! And kneeling for the national anthem is disrespecting our veterans! It is not the time nor place to protest racial injustice!"

"Why is the NFL responsible for police brutality against African Americans?" wondered a third. "Because Kap decided to take a knee? Again I want to solve problems not make social media gestures... And the NFL wrote a check for 100 millions dollars to help support players causes... There are a lot of corporations out there, why is the NFL the one that's supposed to solve African American and law enforcement issues..."

Of course, others were behind Schumer all the way, and thanked for her addressing the distinct lack of outspoken white supporters for Kaepernick's protests.

"I'm a Veteran... 2 deployments and still serving," one person wrote. "I can't kneel but Kaep has my full support! I fought for his rights to do so."

Schumer's post notably called out other celebrities, particularly Adam Levine and the members of Maroon 5. The band has recently been announced as the 2019 Super Bowl half-time show headliner, while Rihanna turned the gig down in solidarity with Kaepernick. Schumer called on Maroon 5 to do the same -- a call which many commenters thought was unfair.

"I respect your opinion. But you shouldn't shame @maroon5 for doing the Super Bowl," someone wrote. "The last I checked we live in America! We should all respect one another's opinions and where they stand without bullying them to do what YOU think is right."

Schumer was arrested alongside Emily Ratajkowski just a few weeks ago while protesting the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. She has become even more politically outspoken in recent months.