Hobby Lobby has been getting slammed for its controversial decision to not close down amid the non-essential business shutdown during the coronavirus pandemic. Now a “Spring Cleaning” coupon the company shared on social media is receiving a ton of backlash on Facebook and Twitter.
In the posts, Hobby Lobby shared a coupon for 40 percent off “One Item at Regular Price,” adding, “Spring cleaning = spring savings at Hobby Lobby.” The post has been getting a lot of negative reactions on social media, with one Facebook user saying, “The ability to buy cheap yarn is not worth the health of your employees and the people who shop your stores. Close.” Another added, “Please close for a while. People will appreciate you more if you keep employees and patrons safe.” Someone else said, “Close your stores and pay your employees. Show you care about people above the almighty dollar.”
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CLOSE 👏🏻 YOUR 👏🏻 STORE 👏🏻. You clearly do not value the health and safety of your employees. Nothing like trying to profit while there is a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. This is atrocious and I have lost all respect.
— Practically Hip 🌀 (@MadameHip) March 22, 2020
Scroll down to read more reactions.
Close your store. And pay your employees. It will cost you to pay them to be there with no one coming in and cost to have the lights on. Honestly you’ve lost my business
— Melissa Cole (@Puddles1457) March 22, 2020
Boycott hobby lobby it’s all non essential items anyway!
— FU☪️K THEM BILLIONAIRES (@fckbillionairez) March 22, 2020
What did the Bible tell you about having two gods? Clearly your god is money. Close your store!!
— Victoria_ds (@SuanKnits) March 22, 2020
Hobby lobby is more worried about losing money than the health and security of their employees.
— Sheerly Queer (@SheerlyQueer) March 22, 2020
I have a very large business family with a lot of influence in our communities and I can tell you none of us or anybody associated with us will ever shop at hobby lobby ever again.
Close your stores. Close your stores. Close your stores. Close your stores. Close your stores. Close your stores.
— 📚 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕟 📚 (@spookysharkbear) March 22, 2020
Is this for real? Are you actually pretending nothing is going on, business as usual? 6.4B dollars is a nice buffer. You should be fine closing stores while paying employees during this health crisis, vs helping to spread the virus. Greed.
— Snow (@SnowProblemo) March 22, 2020
— Ozaleto (@OzaletoFM) March 22, 2020
Jesus take the wheel and stay away
— Orange Bird (@The_Orange_Bird) March 22, 2020
Your greed and blatant selfishness is despicable.
— ale wears the same stupid sweater every day (@exploding_girl) March 22, 2020
“I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:23-26
Yes, they are open. Care about the community and employees enough to be putting everyone at risk for $$. Greed has taken its spot on the top of yer chain of command.
— AC Roberts (@ACapwill) March 22, 2020
Thanks for showing your true colors Hobby Lobby. Close your damn stores. pic.twitter.com/TqYjHhyzWE
— Vivian (@Vivian34119735) March 22, 2020
@HobbyLobby CEO, David Green, should learn from Columbia CEO, Tim Boyle, a thing or two on how to treat their employees. https://t.co/su6r06Vjts
— John Marin (@JohnMarin_13) March 29, 2020
Just gonna dump your employees into the street! That’s what Jesus would do, right?
— Donatella Trump (@donatella_trump) March 29, 2020
— Carrie (@2012YesWeWill) March 22, 2020
Instead of giving 40% off to your customers, David Green, how about you pay your employees and not fire some of them. Shop at @MichaelsStores instead people.
— John Marin (@JohnMarin_13) March 29, 2020
I am a serious crafter, I sell at craft shows, and have spent thousands of dollars at Hobby Lobby in the past two years. But I won’t be returning. Hello, Michael’s!
— Flipflopluvr (@SweetTeaAndMore) March 31, 2020
— Nivia Dark is going crazy stuck at home pls help (@NiviaDark) March 31, 2020
I usually shop at Hobby Lobby, you’re very close to my house, but I’m not shopping anywhere in person right now. Why are you open when it’s not safe for your customers or employees? I don’t need craft supplies right now, I need you to close your stores!
— MilwaukeeForever (@MilwaukeeForev1) March 22, 2020
I’d rather poke my eye after touching a product handled by who-knows-how-many? people, & get infected by COVID-19 – which is exactly what might happen if I walk into one of your still-open stores.
— Cantankerous Canuck (@Cannadablissed) March 22, 2020
What are people buying in there anyways? Fabric to line their ⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️ with?
Greed… pure selfish Greed. Who will save any money visiting ur stores? We will all be dead.
— Sweet & Salty Bae (@SweetNSaltyBae) March 22, 2020
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