The Gadget Meant to Help You Have Your Best-Ever Orgasm Is Definitely Not What We Expected

(Photo via Chakrubs / Courtesy of Kindred Black)If you're in the market for a mystical device that [...]

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(Photo via Chakrubs / Courtesy of Kindred Black)

If you're in the market for a mystical device that strengthens your pelvic floor, increases your chi and helps out with having a better orgasm, we've found the perfect all-in-one gadget for you.

You may not be surprised to learn that the $55-66 crystal egg (that goes inside your vagina) is the latest Gwyenth Paltrow-approved shop item at

And if you're wondering how inserting an egg-shaped rock into your vagina can improve your sexual health, "beauty guru/healer/inspiration/friend" Shiva Rose explains it all in a Goop interview.

"Jade eggs can help cultivate sexual energy, increase orgasm, balance the cycle, stimulate key reflexology around vaginal walls, [...] develop and clear chi pathways in the body, intensify feminine energy, and invigorate our life force," Rose said.

Dissecting that explanation a little bit, it sounds like these jade and rose quartz eggs (that are currently sold out, by the way) are meant to be used as sex toys or while practicing Kegels, exercises that can help strengthen the pelvic floor and result in better sex and a better childbirth experience.

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(Photo via Chakrubs / Courtesy of Kindred Black)

However, Kegels don't require actually putting something inside you. The beauty of Kegels is that you can do them anytime, anywhere.

So why use a crystal yoni egg, as opposed to a plastic or silicon sex toy? Vannesa Cuccia, the founder of Chakrubs, a company that sells crystal sex toys, says that crystal toys involve emotional support, something other toys can't do.

"Crystals have history," Cuccia says. "They are formed with the earth and crystal healing has been practiced for centuries. They emit a very harmonious frequency, due to the perfect molecular structures they have."

"There are many benefits of yoni eggs, but the one I like the best is it can help women with vaginas connect to their bodies in a way that is therapeutic," Cuccia said. "Inserting beautiful crystal into your body honors this sacred space."

As for the safety of these eggs? We're always wary of inserting foreign objects into our nether-regions. Cuccia suggests pouring boiling water over the them before use to make sure they're totally clean. She also says it's important to do your research.

"It is important for people who are looking into using crystal yoni eggs to do their research about the safety of the crystal," she says. "Some crystals are not suitable for insertion. Selenite, for example, is a very soft stone and can disintegrate when wet. Just like anything we put in our bodies, we want to avoid lengthy exposure and practice good hygiene."

After using a yoni egg, Cuccia says to be sure to clean it with a "mild soap and water bath."

So, what do you say? Will you be ordering your own yoni egg or practicing kegels the traditional way? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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