TV Shows

‘The Santa Clauses’: Tim Allen’s Return Has Fans Ready for Christmas


Scott Calvin is back, but Christmas isn’t the same. Fans of The Santa Clause franchise are in for a treat this holiday season as Scott is nearing his 30th year as kids’ favorite gift-givers. As Christmas declines in popularity, so does his Santa magic. He struggles to keep up with the demands of the job, as well as enjoy his family. With retirement near, Scott considers stepping down and finding a worthy successor so that he can become a better father and husband. The series became available for streaming on Disney+ on Nov. 16.

Elizabeth Mitchell, who starred in the second and third film franchises as Mrs. Clause, couldn’t wait to participate in the limited series and reprise her role. “It was a no-brainer. I never thought it would happen, to be honest with you,” she admitted in an interview with Shadow and Act. “I said yes in a heartbeat. I was thrilled to do itโ€ฆ.you think about your favorite holiday moments. And for me, it’s family together, laughing, putting aside whatever was, and coming into kind of a little bit of love and joy and a soul and heart. It’s what Tim set out to do.”

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And apparently, fans couldn’t wait. Social media users have been in the holiday spirit since the series dropped on the streaming platform.ย 

Elizabeth steals the show

Michell is a favorite. And fans say she makes the series even better.

Charlie is a dad?!

Not Charlie becoming an adult and starting his own family. Fans are growing up with Charlie.

All the good characters are back

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A worthy reboot

Many fans are typically hesitant about reboots. But, fans are raving that The Santa Clauses is one that was done properly.

The magic of Christmas

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A childhood classic

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