Jason Bateman will host the upcoming Saturday Night Live episode, with Morgan Wallen serving as the musical guest. Before the show, SNL released a clip of Bateman, Wallen, and SNL cast member Heidi Gardner (all of whom are wearing masks) joking around about what they want for Christmas. As SNL fans are aware, Wallen was originally scheduled to be the musical guest on an earlier episode this season. But, after he was spotted getting close and hanging out with fans amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the show decided to cancel his appearance. He was later replaced with Jack White.
In the clip, Gardner asks both Bateman and Wallen what they want for Christmas. Both of the men responded that being on SNL was the only gift they need. Gardner then jokingly questioned why they didn’t want “world peace.” The two then share that they weren’t quite finished when they shared what they wanted, as Bateman and Wallen both noted that they obviously want world peace. The Ozark actor added that he would like to end world hunger and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well. In another promotional video for the episode, Gardner mishears Bateman as he introduces himself, leading both her and Wallen to believe that “Batman” will be hosting the show.
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Wallen’s turn as a musical guest comes about two months after SNL canceled his appearance on the program. The show decided to remove him as the musical guest after he was spotted getting close with fans shortly before he was due to be on the sketch series (which was in violation of safety guidelines amid the pandemic). The country singer later took to social media to address the news. In his message, he accepted full responsibility for the actions that led to his canceled appearance.
“I was getting ready for SNL this Saturday when I got a call from the show letting me know that I will no longer be able to play. And that’s because of COVID protocols, which I understand,” the singer said, also noting that he did not test positive for COVID-19. “[But] my actions this past weekend were pretty short-sighted and they have obviously affected my long-term goals and my dreams. I respect the show’s decision because I know that I put them in jeopardy, and I take ownership for this.”