Sean Hannity Caught Vaping in Between Commercial Breaks on FOX News

Sean Hannity was seen vaping when his FOX News show Hannity returned from commercial break on [...]

Sean Hannity was seen vaping when his FOX News show Hannity returned from commercial break on Thursday night. As the live show resumed, the 59-year-old talk show host was spotted looking down while vaping when someone-off-camera can be heard whispering "Sean, Sean." That's when Hannity looked up at the camera and realized he was on-air. He then removed the vaporizer and said, "Uh-oh" and went into the next segment.

The video of Hannity vaping on live TV was shared all over Twitter, and users had interesting thoughts about the moment. "I love genuine actions & reactions that make us all human and relatable... chill moments are the ultimate goal and our common denominator," one Twitter user wrote. Another person wrote. "Fastest fans in the east," while others said he should have owned the moment.

However, this isn't the first time Hannity was caught vaping on live TV. As mentioned by Yahoo! a clip was released in 2017 where Hannity was throwing to video and then began to use his vaporizer. He had some fun with both incidents, and fellow Fox News host Laura Ingraham teased him about it as she was getting ready for her show.

"Sorry I took your time," Hannity said to Ingraham. That is when Ingram pretended to be taking a drink of water when the camera cut to her. She then asked, "Oh wait, am I on camera right now?" Hannity then responded, Yeah, I know, I know. I'm sure we'll make the headline somewhere tomorrow."

Hannity has been one of the leading voices of FOX News years as Hannity began airing on the network in 2009. He's known for his conservative views but had an interesting take last year on people in Michigan protesting COVID-19 lockdowns with armed weapons.

"I'm the number one supporter [on] radio and television, that I know of, [of the] First Amendment and the Second Amendment. Now, no one is a bigger defendant of the Second Amendment than yours truly. Everyone has the right to protest, protect themselves and try to get the country open," Hannity said. "This, with the militia look here, and these long guns, uh... no. Show of force is dangerous. That puts our police at risk. And by the way, your message will never be heard, whoever you people are. No one should be attempting to intimidate officials with a show of force, and God forbid, something happens. Then they're going to go after all of us law-abiding Second Amendment people."