The Undertaker and Chris Jericho are endorsing Donald Trump to remain the President of the United States. According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, The Undertaker, whose real name is Mark Calaway, and Jericho are the biggest donors to the Trump campaign in terms of pro wrestlers. 411 Mania noted that The Undertaker has donated a total of $7,000 to Trump and Republican causes this year while Jericho has donated $3,000 this month.
Republican fundraising platform WinRed has accepted donations from WWE’s John Gaburick ($100), Drake Wuertz ($10) and Kevin Dunn ($42). Former WWE CEO Linda McMahon is one of the biggest Trump supporters as she and husband, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, donated $5 million to the Trump Foundation from 2004 to 2014. Trump has strong ties with WWE as he’s a member of the company’s Hall of Fame. In WrestleMania 23, Trump took on Vince McMahon in a Hair vs. Hair match and won.
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“The business magnates locked horns again in June 2009 when Trump purchased Monday Night Raw and immediately announced that next week’s show would air commercial-free and that every WWE fan that who purchased a ticket would be given a full refund,” Trump’s bio on stated. The trademark Trump public relations flourish nearly made Mr. McMahon’s head explode and forced him to buy his show back from The Donald for twice the price.”
While The Undertaker and Jericho show their support for Trump there are WWE stars who are voting for Joe Biden. Dewey Foley donated $77.50 to the Democrat fundraising group ActBlue in June while Sarah Schreiber gave $25 to the same group in August. Ed Koskey of WWE donated $3000 to the Democratic National Committee this year. Former WWE stars Mick Foley and Dave Bautista have spoken out against Trump for his work the last four years in office.
“We apologize for our [Fake President],” Bautista said back in May when responding to Trump saying he’s been taking hydroxychloroquine daily during the COIVD-19 pandemic. “He doesn’t represent most Americans (proof in [the] Popular vote of 2016), but through gerrymandering and Russian interference in our election (he refuses to condemn), he weaseled his autocratic fat ass into the White House.”