Carey Hart Defends Dr. Anthony Fauci With 'Quick Question' Tweet

Former motocross star Carey Hart has been fairly outspoken in the months leading up to the [...]

Former motocross star Carey Hart has been fairly outspoken in the months leading up to the election. He has answered questions from social media users and received both support and criticism for his opinions. Now he has come to the defense of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

"Quick question. If Dr. Fauci has worked for every president since Reagan, and was never attached to a political party, why now is [he] accused of partisan w/ blue?" Hart tweeted recently. There have been several arguments about Dr. Fauci throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many of which have revolved around whether he supports or dislikes each political party. These back-and-forth discussions caught the attention of Hart, and he added his own thoughts on the matter.

One person responded with a retort about pharmaceutical companies, while several others chimed in and offered their opinions about Dr. Fauci and the pandemic. These responses created more arguments on social media.

Hart has made his opinion clear when discussing politics and President Donald Trump. He told fans that he is a Republican, but he also "hates Trump." This feeling is why he is choosing to support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Nov. 3. Although his decision sparked comments from other social media users saying that the Democratic Party would take away his guns if they won the election. Hart continued to defend his Biden support, as well as his decision to teach his children to handle firearms. Now he is showing support for Dr. Fauci.

While there are many that listen to what Dr. Fauci says about the pandemic and whether people should wear masks, others take a different approach. Many others disagree with his statements and criticize him on a regular basis. Some people, however, go to an extreme extent and threaten Dr. Fauci and his family with violence.

"The unseemingly things that crises bring out in the world, it brings out the best of people and the worst of people, and getting death threats to my family and harassing my daughters to the point where I have to get security — it's amazing." Dr. Fauci told CNN in August. "I wouldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams that people who object to things that are pure public health principles are so set against it and don't like what you and I say, namely in the world of science, that they actually threaten you."