'Love & Marriage: D.C.': Jamie and Erana Tyler on Dispelling Abuse Narrative, Family Dynamics, and All to Expect in Season 2

Love & Marriage: D.C. is getting double the episodes in its second season. The series takes viewers into the lives of three D.C. powerhouse couples at different stages of their marriages and businesses. Viewers had strong opinions on the nearly 30-year marriage of Jamie and Erana Tyler. Some accused Jamie of being dismissive and emotionally distant from his wife. Social media users encouraged Erana to stand up for herself. The Tylers say the critics got things wrong. In fact, they say viewers will get a better picture of who they are as a couple, and delve more into their family unit.

The couple have three children, including son Little Jamie, who has a complex relationship with his father and has had run-ins with the law. Their youngest son, Jayson, is blind. Last season, Jayson fought to be admitted into a program to help him transition into independent living, despite some family members' opposition. This season, fans will be provided an update on how the family as a whole is handling the fallout from last season's chaos.

While the exit of Chris and Monique Samuels, the focus is more on the Tylers and DJ Quicksilva and his wife Ashley. In Season 2, viewers will meet Joi Carter and Clifton Pettie, who appeared on fellow OWN series Ready to Love in 2021. The newly engaged couple are longtime friends of cast members the Tylers and have formed a bond with the Silvas. A controversial friend of the show, Winter Williams, is also back. And she doesn't have the easiest time trying to mend things within the group.

Ahead of the Season 2 premiere debuting on Jan. 21, PopCulture.com spoke with the Tylers about all that's expected this season, combating negative viewpoints on their union, their complicated family dynamic, and more. Watch the full video interview above.

PC: So let's jump right into it because I know you guys have a hectic schedule. So, last season, viewers had a lot to say about the dynamic of your marriage. Many felt that, specifically Jamie, you were slightly dismissive, or some even said emotionally abusive, which can be a harsh term to put on someone from watching the show. But how was it watching the season back? And do you guys feel for both of you that there were any lessons learned from either what you saw or the viewer's opinions?

JT: Again, thanks for having us. It's a pleasure to meet you. For me, it was very hard to watch, especially when I know the scene was filmed for two hours, and you saw three minutes of a conversation however they edit it. But a lot of people don't know I was still working at the time I was filming that show. I was in law enforcement, so it was even more frustrating to say I'm abusive to my wife when I have a career, I carry a gun, and you can't have domestic violence in that career. And that's specifically why I had my hesitation on doing this show while I was still working because I don't know how they're going to show anything until we saw it on TV.

So, moving forward into Season 2, I have retired now. I'm not biting my tongue. I'm still going to say what I got to say. If she say something I don't agree with, I'm going to let her know it. And it is what it is. We've been together 30 years. Married couples are going to argue. In what world are you living in where we would never argue, never raise your voice? This just don't make sense. It's not real. And we did our best to show the real. We had disagreements, and we move on. Our anniversary is in two days. 27 years.

ET: Yeah. Just like Jamie was saying, couples are going to have disagreements, they're going to argue. But one thing for sure, Jamie has never laid his hand on me physically ever. We did see in Season 1 where he did touch my face when we were out at the CIAA, at a club with the other cast members. But I think they made it more than what it was, because it was just a slight touch. And I don't even remember the touch on my face. That's how lightly it was-

JT: Because she was fussing. That's why. And I was like [motions her face]...

ET: And I don't even remember that, because yeah, I was into the conversation. But for them to say that he is abusive toward me is just absurd. He's not. He's very supportive. He's a great husband. He can be aggressive sometimes with me and the kids, but I can be aggressive, too, toward him as well. And that's one of the sides that you all did not see in season one. Season 2, I am saying everything that's on my mind, I'm speaking up for myself. If he's saying something I disagree with, I'm going to come back with an answer that he may not like.

JT: Which is what she's always done, but we don't control what y'all see. And that's back to my point. That's whole scene, if you'd have saw the whole scene, you'd be like, "Oh, okay." But it is what it is.

ET: Yeah, I think Season 2 is going to be a little slightly different. To me, I think you're on your best behavior in season two.

JT: Well, I have a lot less stress this season.

PC: That's what I was going to say. You're probably more calm because you're retired, right?

ET: Yeah, he's totally calm.

JT: Well, I would work eight hours, and then fly wherever I needed to be and changing clothes. It's like 16-hour days or more. So now, I just wake up and where I need to be. "All right, cool. I'm on my way." And I really don't do a lot of fussing. That's the thing. I really am nonconfrontational, like I said, unless you mess with me. If she say something I don't like, she's going to get it. And anybody in the scene, if you don't bother me, I'm pretty nonchalant, just laid back all the time. That's why I was just frustrated with that narrative they put on, the narrative that the audience ran with. It was like, "You don't even know me. Shut up."

PC: Well, outside of obviously the ups and downs that we saw with you guys having the longest marriage on the show, one of the things that resonated with viewers was your actual family dynamic with your three children. And Jamie, specifically for you, we saw the relationship between you and Little Jamie, which made you really emotional. How do we as viewers see the progression of that relationship this season?

JT: Well, ironically when we picked back up, he was back then him, and we weren't in the best place at the time. So, it's going to come right out the gate right where we were at that point. As it keeps going though, you'll see how we actually do a lot of meetings with professionals to actually dig deeper into our differences. And I really like that about the producers this season where we dug into my attitude, his attitude, and try to figure out—

PC: It clashes.

ET: Their personalities are somewhat similar. It's like a rollercoaster ride with them. One day they're good, they're going out, they're having a great conversation, father and son. And then two days later, it could be they're not speaking to each other. And it's consistently like that, because they're so much alike. But like he said, Season 2, they're going to dig deep into their relationship. It's going to be a really good season as far as showing Jamie and Little Jamie's bond and father and son situation.

JT: And also just to piggyback on that, which I didn't know because I was in law enforcement and I was a detective for 25 years. So, a lot of me preaching to him was not just from a dad. It was from, "No, I've really dealt with people like this and that lifestyle where they end up." And when I said they're doing jail, that wasn't me just saying, "Oh, because that's what everybody says." No, I literally lived that life for 27 years in D.C., and I saw him going right down that road. And when I talk about getting high and all that, it ain't just because I'm being a jerk dad. No, you're not doing nothing in life where you can even afford that habit. You don't even work. But yet, you got a habit that costs money, and where you getting the money from? I know where you're getting it from.

PC: How did your law enforcement colleagues react to you guys being on the show? And did that in any way interfere with your career even though you were close to retirement at that point?

JT: It's funny. In that world, I've always been in entertainment. So this world, it's like a level of where I am today. I was throwing the biggest events in D.C. as a detective, and I could close murders or close robberies or whatever was going on with the best of them. So I've always had a hidden jealousy from my coworkers just from my lifestyle in general. She's been successful her life as well. So we had an out loud lifestyle. So it's just the next thing. They said, "I could see you doing that. Man, I could see you doing TV." And as far as the actual job, I had no issues. I told them everything before, and I did the necessary paperwork, so I was covered. They were more so, when I was leaving, they were like, "Oh good, now you can talk about retiring." And I can't wait to see how that resonates with the audience, because they need to see a more positive... Some kind of police story.

PC: Yeah, especially with the climate we live in. Absolutely.

JT: Yeah. So a lot of the chiefs I know, they were my supervisors, who I trained with. And when I was leaving, we had that conversation. He was like, "Man, I'm proud of you." I'm not going to get on TV and bash the department. Although I had a lot of tough days trying to get to the end, but who don't.

PC: Now for you, Erana, obviously we spoke about little Jamie, but we loved watching Jayson, who I feel is the true star of the show. Now last season, he fought for more independence, and you really opened up about the role that you took in ensuring that he could get to that point and really taking on, I wouldn't say leadership, but more of an integral part in his care. And obviously, last season, we saw him get into his program. How did his getting into the program change for you guys as a family, and how is he now?

ET: Jayson is loving life. He came home for the holidays, and he was ready to go right back. Jayson has his own apartment. He has two roommates that he shares the apartment with. He's at a workshop right now under the DOORS program, it's called BISM, Blind Industry Services of Maryland. And he does different programs, independent living, workforce program, and he absolutely enjoys it. On the evenings that he's outside of the program, he's hanging out with friends that he just met. He loves it. And during the weekend, he can now come home. He had a 30-day restriction where he couldn't come home for the first 30 days once he got there.

And now he's able to come home, but he doesn't even really want to come home. I'll call him and say, "Jayson, you want to come home on the weekend?" "Well, no, I'm OK. I'm doing this with my friends." And he's loving life. He loves his independence. He's cooking. He's just doing things that I knew he could do that he wasn't doing at home that I knew he would be able to pick up once he went out on his own. We miss him, but we're happy for him because this is something that he's always wanted.

PC: That's amazing. I can't wait to see how that develops.

ET: I know. It's so good.

PC: And oh, one more thing is, did he get a job for Apple yet? [Jayson revealed during the Season 1 reunion that his dream was to work for the tech company.]

ET: No. And we've been tagging Apple. We've had our friends share Apple and tag Apple on social media. But no, nothing. Apple hasn't reached out to us yet.

JT: But we're not going to give up. Apple, if you watch this interview, we need you to actually reach out to Jayson. And it's funny, we just saw a commercial, I don't know if you saw it. They have a commercial with the accessibilities with their devices, and one of the young guys who we all follow on social media, Matthew Whitaker, is vision impaired. And he plays the piano, and he's in the commercial. And I was like, "This is the exact thing Jayson wants to do. He wants to work with people with disabilities with these devices, because he knows them like the back of his hand." So we're going to keep trying. Actually trying to reach out to Matthew's PR folks and how they even connected with Apple.

PC: Well, we would put that into the universe over here at PopCulture. And before we let you guys go, obviously, you guys have two new additions to the show in the absence of the Samuels. So, in terms of where you stand with the group, what was your take on the new couple, Joi and Clifton? How is your relationship with Winter, Erana, and what was your take on the Samuels' exit?

ET: Joi and Clifton are good friends of ours. They were good friends of ours before the show, so we actually referred them to be on the show with us. So they're absolutely amazing. They actually are going to be celebrating our anniversary with us here in Mexico in the next couple of hours. So, we're looking forward to having them. But they're great. You guys are going to enjoy them as being new additions to the show, so get ready for that. They have a really great story. As far as me and Winter, chile!

PC: I guess we'll have to watch. 

ET: Stay tuned. Stay tuned. I can say that. Just stay tuned for Winter and I. And Sherrell and Alfred Duncan are also friends on the show as well. And they're also a great addition to the show. They're coming on as friends, Ashley and QuickSilva.

Love & Marriage: D.C. Season 2 premieres Saturday, Jan. 21 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on OWN.