NASCAR Driver Regan Smith Misses Race For Birth Of Baby Girl

NASCAR driver Regan Smith missed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 400 for the best reason [...]

NASCAR driver Regan Smith missed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 400 for the best reason possible. He and wife Megan Smith welcomed their second child on Sunday.

(Photo: Nascar)

The professional driver left the Chicagoland Speedway suddenly for a different kind of race against time. Fortunately, he made it home in time to be there for the birth of his daughter, Eliza Grace.

He even had time to send out a tweet in support of his replacement, Ty Dillon, while waiting in the delivery room.

"Cheering on my @TBR_Racing @ToyState guys and @tydillon today, definitely a different view than I'm used to!" he added.

The Smiths also have a one-and-a-half-year-old son, Rhett Lee.

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