Diet & Exercise

Jessica Biel Just Shared the Workout Routine Responsible for Her Incredible Shape

Jessica Biel fans were in ‘7th Heaven’ on Wednesday afternoon when the 35-year-old actress took to […]

Jessica Biel fans were in “7th Heaven” on Wednesday afternoon when the 35-year-old actress took to Reddit for an AMA, or Ask Me Anything.

In the candid, informal interview, Biel dished on a lot of topics (like the fact that she would cast Seth Rogen and his wife to play her and hubby Justin Timberlake in a Walk the Line bio-type film) and even revealed her diet and exercise routine.

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As it turns out, The Sinner star gets her toned body from varying her workouts with yoga and circuit training. She even has an online monthly yoga membership and encourages others to check it out.

“I go back and forth between yoga and circuit training,” she wrote. “There’s a website called– it’s basically like a monthly membership thing where you have access. You can do it all, anytime, anywhere.”

In case you were wondering, Biel doesn’t get paid to talk about Yoga Glo. “I’m not affiliated with them AT ALL, just think they’re a really good resource.”

As for that circuit training she mentioned, we know that Biel is a big fan of Barry’s Bootcamp, a high intensity circuit-style workout that mixes cardio on the treadmill with strength training that can burn up to 1,000 calories per workout.


from discussion Hey Reddit, I’m Jessica Biel. Let’s AMA!.

When it comes to her diet, Biel says she tries to eat clean — but other than that, doesn’t follow any strict rules. Plus, she even indulges in a cheat meal from time to time!

“I don’t really do anything super special with my diet. I try to eat really clean… fruits and vegetables, fish, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I like my cheat days and I go BIG.”

She even fessed up to hiding veggies in her and Timberlake’s son, Silas’, food to make sure he’s getting all his nutrients.

“I hide vegetables in eggs, quiche, stews, soups, smoothies. I hide vegetables everywhere I possibly can!” Biel told a new mom seeking advice.

One fan asked Biel about a typical Saturday with Timberlake and Silas. Unsurprisingly, it sounds pretty perfect.

“Up early, breakfast at home…” she said. “Maybe head to a park and play. Everybody naps at nap time. Maybe a play date in the afternoon. Then mommy and daddy go out on a hot date.”