A prompt tweet went viral on Twitter this week asking users to share their strangest celebrity interactions, and the answers have not disappointed. Writer and podcaster Lauren Modery kicked things off by asking her followers for their stories on Monday afternoon. In the 36 hours since we have seen the full range of experiences in the responses.
To get the ball rolling, Modery shared a few of her own stories. She wrote about one mysterious experience with an older male celebrity “that was accused of murder,” then lightened things up by adding: “Jeremy Irons kind of maybe flirted with me? I’m not sure if it was flirtation or he’s just really nice, but he seemed very interested in talking to me though I was NO ONE.” As a screenwriter and former Hollywood assistant, Modery had plenty of stories of her own.
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The real juicy answers came from other users, and they piled up by the thousands over the next day and a half. At the time of this writing, Modery’s tweet has over 4,000 replies and nearly 7,000 quote tweets.
It’s worth remembering that there’s no way to verify most of these anecdotes. In many cases, they’re interesting to read whether you suspend your disbelief or not. Here’s a look at some of the best answers.
Long Memories
Some of the most interesting stories were the ones where the celebrities involved unexpectedly remembered the strangers years later.
There were also plenty of stories that were embarrassing for the celebrities involved.
Foot in Mouth
On the other hand, more than a few people admitted to embarrassing themselves in front of a star they admired.
Many people cherished memories of seeing celebrities in the mundane parts of lives โ especially when it humanized the stars.
These days, some of the best celebrity interactions happen online. Users shared some genuinely interesting stories from social media, and in some cases they were verifiable.
In the Moment
In quite a few stories, celebrities discouraged people from taking photos or getting autographs, saying that they should instead just enjoy this moment for what it was.
A few heartwarming stories described celebrities being kind and generous in ways that you wouldn’t often expect from strangers โ let alone busy, recognizable people.
Cillian Murphy
A surprising number of answers concerned actor Cillian Murphy. Some users claimed that Murphy is high maintenance at public events, while others made him sound generally amicable even when insulted.
Some users shared stories with the old “no one will ever believe you” framing device from urban legends โ particularly when it comes to Bill Murray.