Russell Crowe has been mourning the death of his puppy exactly two years after his father passed away. The Oscar-winning actor shared the devastating news with his followers in a tweet posted on Thursday. As part of Crowe’s post, he uploaded a close-up photo of the late dog, writing, “This is Louis the Papillion. 16 months old. Tiny, cheeky, brave. He won my heart.” He continued, “Unfortunately today, on the second anniversary of my father’s passing, Louis was hit by a truck.” Regarding the last moments of Louis’ life, Crowe revealed, “We tried to get him to the vet, but he died in my arms while I was telling him how much we loved him.” The animal rights organization PETA expressed condolences to the family and replied, “We are heartbroken for you and so deeply sorry for your loss. Louis will be in your heart forever. Sending all of our love, comfort, and strength.”
Exactly two years ago to the date, Crowe was grieving the loss of his father, John Alexander Crowe, who passed away at home in Australia on March 30, 2021. As he shared the news of his father’s death on Twitter, he hoped to reach out to all those who loved and cared for him. “I arrived back in the bush last night. Today, although the sun is shining and the torrential rain has abated, this date will forever be tinged with sadness. My dear old man, my beautiful dad, the most gentle of men, has passed away,” Crowe wrote in the first of three tweets. “I’m posting this because I know there are people all over the world who’s heart he touched and who’s ribs he tickled with his sparkly eyes and his cheeky attitude to everyone, and everything, and this is probably as efficient a method as any to pass on the news,” he continued.
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During the last months of his father’s life, Crowe kept close to him, and even revealed in April 2020 that he and his father began isolating together during the immediate aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic. “Isolating with the old man. 84 now. Wearing a hat I got at Princeton while shooting A Beautiful Mind,” Crowe captioned a picture of his father next to a lake. Last year, the Gladiator actor revealed in a May 19 tweet that his horse Honey died at the age of 29. As well as being Crowe’s horse, Honey appeared alongside him in The Water Diviner, a film released in 2014. He shared several photos of himself and Honey, as well as the “sad news” that the horse had died. The actor shared that “at 29 years of age. Champion cutting horse, mother of two, movie star…my amazing Honey has passed away.” According to the actor, Honey had “spent nearly 22 years of her life living with me.”